View Full Version : Bad Dog?
- Barking ( I know she's a dog but...)
- Yay!! Someone is using the pee pee pad!
- So mad I could spit nails
- Aversion to rain or snow?
- Training methods - what worked for you?
- Ok, seriously, it's just a cat!
- Socializaton
- We had our first Click a Trick class yesterday.
- Chewing Problems!
- Call me Dog Abbey
- It Worked!!
- Dog Abbey! Help With Cat Agression
- Pippit's 1st Visit To The New Apartment
- Moving to a new home situation/apartments too!
- I Know It's Cold, But Please Pee!!!
- Home schooling
- Housetraining Adult Dachsies
- Pokey is Barking Again
- Charlie misses me :(
- Triumph #2
- X-tract
- Sam Give Me My Sleeve Back
- Attack of the 10 lb mini!
- Sonic Collars(and guess who hasn't barked all day)
- Ewwwww! Why?
- Which one is better?
- Enrichment
- Pippit's First Day Alone In The Apartment
- Discovered Great Discipline Tool!!!!!!!
- Pippit's Still Doing Well
- How can I say BAD JADAA
- help with being nice to Kitty
- If you lose your temper, what does your dog do?
- For Mary : Molly Peeing Update
- Bad dog or bad mom you decide
- Does He Bark During The Day???
- Went to get our nails clipped today...
- Snooter
- Potty baby
- Did we just forget all about potty training?
- Just when they do better ...
- Wish us luck
- Holy jumping dachshunds Batman
- "Unbearable Lightness of Peeing"
- Why did she do that?!
- Wet The Bed??
- Arrg Sam
- Bad babies!
- Barking - question for Mary
- Maybe THIS will teach Daddy
- Sometimes I hate the dog park
- Crazy behavior from Miss Rigby
- It's raining and Po won't pee!
- It's Raining in the Dallas/Fort Worth Metroplex
- BAD…you are both BAD!
- Bell Training
- Somebody PLEASEEE
- Bad it again!
- Wind and barking
- anybody have a baby that only use pee pad?
- Ewww....
- Nail trimming
- My baby starts school on Monday!
- I have created a monster!
- Getting Food Out of Auggie's Mouth -- OUCH!
- Bella Trying to Find Her Place in the "Pack?"
- Anyone want two AWWWDORABLE puppers?!?!?
- I bit Taffy
- Bailey - the midnight pee-er
- New puppy is a nibbler
- Chloe bit someone
- Recommended Reading
- Max is a poop eater! EEwwwww!
- how does this trainer look?
- help!!!!
- Big problem (LONG)
- Pippit and Accidents
- Sad news from a friend
- Revenge - by Bailey
- Separation anxiety and getting a sibling
- Bailey, stop teaching Buddy!!
- Having problem with Homeowners assocation.
- He doesn't just have toy aggression, he has bath aggression!!!
- She did it again!
- Chewing on my shoe while on my foot?
- Bailey doesn't like it when Momma and Dadda kiss.
- What is his obsession with toilet paper?
- Oscar went crazy when the cleaning lady dusted the night table
- Heidi & Princess are getting muzzles!!!!
- Peeing on the Floor – Arghhhh!
- Muzzles working for early morning potty
- Operation Dox in the Box
- behaviorally challenged dog
- Tomorrow is Oscar's evaluation by trainer!
- In case others are dealing w. resource guarding: a book
- TMI problem with the two boys
- RIP, Frank
- The Dog that Will not Walk!
- Gentle Leader Easy Walk Harness-- Any Experience with it?
- mikey d's trip to the vet
- Potty schedule--does it change as they age?
- Oscar's second private training session!
- How can i train lucky not to bark at strange dogs?
- The Good, The Bad, and the No Don't Eat That!
- Bad Sam
- Help! Auggie hates visitors! (LONG)
- She "growls" at me
- Dog Training DVDs??
- anxiety while leaving - long!
- Bad Champ
- Sassy Baby' s new habit....
- That was MY thumb!!
- Arghghghghghgh
- Mock "vacation" (Super long)
- Bella and the "Move"
- Good Dog..... (Sleepover update)
- Auggie Tried to Pee on Me Today!!!!
- Teenie Asked To Go Out!!!!!
- To bring or not to bring?
- Thor starts formal training!
- I've been thinking a lot and...
- How to slow down a fast eater?
- Speaking of dogs growling...
- Whining for petting and attention from strangers
- Tinkle here, tinkle there, tinkle, tinkle everywhere!
- Auggie Peed on Someone's Foot Today!
- What DID you do today, my naughty Tasha dog? UPDATE
- Anticipating trouble...
- What was she doing????
- Oscar was a bad boy today!
- PJ gonna need a new dog
- Alex on a jealous rampage!
- Nipping during nail trim
- Why Won't He Poop???
- I need help please
- Not bad dog, BAD VET
- At my wits end
- Tasha 2, Dust Mite Pillow Covers 0 (ticked off Mommy!)
- Walking Dud & Boom together
- Citronella collar
- Bella Did a Bad Thing!
- What SHOULD I have done?
- Drumroll please--for the FIRST time, Tasha PEED in the apt!
- From happy to showing da teeth! Bipolar?
- A new one...
- dog park behavior vs. walking on a leash behavior
- Max has decided that he doesn't like to be outside
- Two questions- jealousy and evil Rigby
- Old Crate/New Crate
- Help!!
- little kids and my not so social dog
- asking to go outside
- You Did WHAT Under the Bed??
- My submissive wetter- leaking and reeking
- 24 hours and bonded like glue
- Bad dog or bad neighbor?
- Bailey was aggressive towards some kids yesterday.
- Is there Kid Aggression in the Air?
- Oh No!!!
- Do Dogs get cranky in hot weather like people?
- The impossible dream
- Heidi is a bad girl!!!!!!
- Take that, *^&@^@ Mother!
- mikey d is a canibal
- What to do with Sabrina ( sorry it is long)
- We'll just keep trying
- CAT - Clear your messages!
- I think this is my first Butters post in Bad Dog
- In honor of JanUet...
- My little Angel is becoming a
- okay so not a bad dog but a potty question?
- Took my drawing of Mitzi to show
- Speaking of humping....
- Tag Chewing
- bad dog!
- Bad Alex....and bad mommy!
- Pack Order, When did it Change??
- Driving me crazy
- Doctor Bombay Doctor Bombay
- The separation anxiety is so annoying...
- Is NOTHING sacred anymore?!
- Separation Anxiety Boot Camp & General Tips
- Of all the stoopid things I've done
- Buddy, good dog gone BAD
- Guess what our houseguests said about Oscar!
- Pippit Amazed ME!!!!
- The Blind Queen Is Pissed!!!!!!
- New neighbor with bad dogs
- My dogsitter's story
- WWCMD? (What Would Cesar Milan Do?)
- Julie ate John's dinner!!!!
- Submissive Wetting- I can't take washing my sheets anymore!
- PJ needs help
- She just won't down!!
- A Reluctant Eater
- Awwww crap
- Those of you who get the "Calm Assertiveness" thing...
- Here we go again.......
- Sneaky Dolly
- NOOO Ruby!!
- Very Very BAD Dolly
- Bad Pippit or Bad Brothers???
- Ears Completely Ripped Off
- Gentle Leader
- Alex aka Houdini the wonderdog!
- Knows She Was Bad?
- my dog is so rude...sheesh
- I Tried~But I Have To Brag!!!
- The Professor
- Just wondering...
- I have no sympathy for him
- Time out
- Interrupting and, um, riding my arm
- Pippit/Ron Questions
- Should he be scolded?
- Barking Help!
- Dudley's driving me insane!
- Help with Snooter
- Someone Else Loves Pippit!!
- Bad dogs...Bad human
- Max, my little devil, has struck again
- So she came today with her medical bill. Part 2 to Sabrina's post
- How about a bad cat?
- Special treatment
- Tonight is Scooter's First Obedience Class
- Tasha 2 magazines 0
- Suggestions for Cooper's Homecoming?
- Oh My....
- Explain this one to me
- Cooper Update
- YES...Bad Dog
- Another BAD BAD Dog
- I Really Don't Know Who Was BAD
- Loud Dogs
- Potty problems
- Should I try to curb the barking?
- I'm getting annoyed here...
- Good Dog Good Good Girl!
- He's a thief again.
- What Do You Think?
- Nope~Good Dog!!!!
- Berry bad doggie........
- Big Time Guilt Trip via Austin
- Brenda Aloff Seminar
- Max is getting very clingy to me
- I'm new & need training HELLLLP!
- People leaving my apt.....
- Winter Potty War has begun
- So we've been trained, but has he?
- New Crying Issue
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