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  1. Barking ( I know she's a dog but...)
  2. Yay!! Someone is using the pee pee pad!
  3. So mad I could spit nails
  4. Aversion to rain or snow?
  5. Training methods - what worked for you?
  6. Ok, seriously, it's just a cat!
  7. Socializaton
  8. We had our first Click a Trick class yesterday.
  9. Chewing Problems!
  10. Call me Dog Abbey
  11. It Worked!!
  12. Dog Abbey! Help With Cat Agression
  13. Pippit's 1st Visit To The New Apartment
  14. Moving to a new home situation/apartments too!
  15. I Know It's Cold, But Please Pee!!!
  16. Home schooling
  17. Housetraining Adult Dachsies
  18. Pokey is Barking Again
  19. Charlie misses me :(
  20. Triumph #2
  21. X-tract
  22. Sam Give Me My Sleeve Back
  23. Attack of the 10 lb mini!
  24. Sonic Collars(and guess who hasn't barked all day)
  25. Ewwwww! Why?
  26. Which one is better?
  27. Enrichment
  28. Pippit's First Day Alone In The Apartment
  29. Discovered Great Discipline Tool!!!!!!!
  30. Pippit's Still Doing Well
  31. How can I say BAD JADAA
  32. help with being nice to Kitty
  33. If you lose your temper, what does your dog do?
  34. For Mary : Molly Peeing Update
  35. Bad dog or bad mom you decide
  36. Does He Bark During The Day???
  37. Went to get our nails clipped today...
  38. Snooter
  39. Potty baby
  40. Did we just forget all about potty training?
  41. Just when they do better ...
  42. Wish us luck
  43. Holy jumping dachshunds Batman
  44. "Unbearable Lightness of Peeing"
  45. Why did she do that?!
  46. Wet The Bed??
  47. Arrg Sam
  48. Bad babies!
  49. Barking - question for Mary
  50. Maybe THIS will teach Daddy
  51. Sometimes I hate the dog park
  52. Crazy behavior from Miss Rigby
  53. It's raining and Po won't pee!
  54. It's Raining in the Dallas/Fort Worth Metroplex
  55. BAD…you are both BAD!
  56. Bell Training
  57. Somebody PLEASEEE
  58. Bad babies...at it again!
  59. Wind and barking
  60. anybody have a baby that only use pee pad?
  61. Ewww....
  62. Nail trimming
  63. My baby starts school on Monday!
  64. I have created a monster!
  65. Getting Food Out of Auggie's Mouth -- OUCH!
  66. Bella Trying to Find Her Place in the "Pack?"
  67. Anyone want two AWWWDORABLE puppers?!?!?
  68. I bit Taffy
  69. Bailey - the midnight pee-er
  70. New puppy is a nibbler
  71. Chloe bit someone
  72. Recommended Reading
  73. Max is a poop eater! EEwwwww!
  74. how does this trainer look?
  75. help!!!!
  76. Big problem (LONG)
  77. Pippit and Accidents
  78. Sad news from a friend
  79. Revenge - by Bailey
  80. Separation anxiety and getting a sibling
  81. Bailey, stop teaching Buddy!!
  82. Having problem with Homeowners assocation.
  83. He doesn't just have toy aggression, he has bath aggression!!!
  84. She did it again!
  85. Chewing on my shoe while on my foot?
  86. Bailey doesn't like it when Momma and Dadda kiss.
  87. What is his obsession with toilet paper?
  88. Oscar went crazy when the cleaning lady dusted the night table
  89. Heidi & Princess are getting muzzles!!!!
  90. Peeing on the Floor – Arghhhh!
  91. Muzzles working for early morning potty
  92. Operation Dox in the Box
  93. behaviorally challenged dog
  94. Tomorrow is Oscar's evaluation by trainer!
  95. In case others are dealing w. resource guarding: a book
  96. TMI problem with the two boys
  97. RIP, Frank
  98. The Dog that Will not Walk!
  99. Gentle Leader Easy Walk Harness-- Any Experience with it?
  100. mikey d's trip to the vet
  101. Potty schedule--does it change as they age?
  102. Oscar's second private training session!
  103. How can i train lucky not to bark at strange dogs?
  104. The Good, The Bad, and the No Don't Eat That!
  105. Bad Sam
  106. Help! Auggie hates visitors! (LONG)
  107. She "growls" at me
  108. Dog Training DVDs??
  109. anxiety while leaving - long!
  110. Bad Champ
  111. Sassy Baby' s new habit....
  112. That was MY thumb!!
  113. Arghghghghghgh
  114. Mock "vacation" (Super long)
  115. Bella and the "Move"
  116. Good Dog..... (Sleepover update)
  117. Auggie Tried to Pee on Me Today!!!!
  118. Teenie Asked To Go Out!!!!!
  119. To bring or not to bring?
  120. Thor starts formal training!
  121. I've been thinking a lot and...
  122. How to slow down a fast eater?
  123. Speaking of dogs growling...
  124. Whining for petting and attention from strangers
  125. Tinkle here, tinkle there, tinkle, tinkle everywhere!
  126. Auggie Peed on Someone's Foot Today!
  127. What DID you do today, my naughty Tasha dog? UPDATE
  128. Anticipating trouble...
  129. What was she doing????
  130. Oscar was a bad boy today!
  131. PJ gonna need a new dog
  132. Alex on a jealous rampage!
  133. Nipping during nail trim
  134. Why Won't He Poop???
  135. I need help please
  136. Not bad dog, BAD VET
  137. At my wits end
  138. Tasha 2, Dust Mite Pillow Covers 0 (ticked off Mommy!)
  139. Walking Dud & Boom together
  140. Citronella collar
  141. Bella Did a Bad Thing!
  142. What SHOULD I have done?
  143. Drumroll please--for the FIRST time, Tasha PEED in the apt!
  144. From happy to showing da teeth! Bipolar?
  145. A new one...
  146. dog park behavior vs. walking on a leash behavior
  147. Max has decided that he doesn't like to be outside
  148. Two questions- jealousy and evil Rigby
  149. Old Crate/New Crate
  150. Help!!
  151. little kids and my not so social dog
  152. asking to go outside
  153. You Did WHAT Under the Bed??
  154. My submissive wetter- leaking and reeking
  155. 24 hours and bonded like glue
  156. Bad dog or bad neighbor?
  157. Bailey was aggressive towards some kids yesterday.
  158. Is there Kid Aggression in the Air?
  159. Oh No!!!
  160. Do Dogs get cranky in hot weather like people?
  161. The impossible dream
  162. Heidi is a bad girl!!!!!!
  163. Take that, *^&@^@ Mother!
  164. mikey d is a canibal
  165. What to do with Sabrina ( sorry it is long)
  166. We'll just keep trying
  167. CAT - Clear your messages!
  168. I think this is my first Butters post in Bad Dog
  169. In honor of JanUet...
  170. My little Angel is becoming a
  171. okay so not a bad dog but a potty question?
  172. Took my drawing of Mitzi to show
  173. Speaking of humping....
  174. Tag Chewing
  175. bad dog!
  176. Bad Alex....and bad mommy!
  177. Pack Order, When did it Change??
  178. Driving me crazy
  179. Doctor Bombay Doctor Bombay
  180. The separation anxiety is so annoying...
  181. Is NOTHING sacred anymore?!
  182. Separation Anxiety Boot Camp & General Tips
  183. Of all the stoopid things I've done
  184. Buddy, good dog gone BAD
  185. Guess what our houseguests said about Oscar!
  186. Pippit Amazed ME!!!!
  187. The Blind Queen Is Pissed!!!!!!
  188. New neighbor with bad dogs
  189. My dogsitter's story
  190. WWCMD? (What Would Cesar Milan Do?)
  191. Julie ate John's dinner!!!!
  192. Submissive Wetting- I can't take washing my sheets anymore!
  193. PJ needs help
  194. She just won't down!!
  195. A Reluctant Eater
  196. Awwww crap
  197. Those of you who get the "Calm Assertiveness" thing...
  198. Here we go again.......
  199. Sneaky Dolly
  200. NOOO Ruby!!
  201. Very Very BAD Dolly
  202. Bad Pippit or Bad Brothers???
  203. Ears Completely Ripped Off
  204. Gentle Leader
  205. Alex aka Houdini the wonderdog!
  206. Knows She Was Bad?
  207. my dog is so rude...sheesh
  208. I Tried~But I Have To Brag!!!
  209. The Professor
  210. Just wondering...
  211. I have no sympathy for him
  212. Time out
  213. Interrupting and, um, riding my arm
  214. Pippit/Ron Questions
  215. Should he be scolded?
  216. Barking Help!
  217. Dudley's driving me insane!
  218. Help with Snooter
  219. Someone Else Loves Pippit!!
  220. Bad dogs...Bad human
  221. Max, my little devil, has struck again
  222. So she came today with her medical bill. Part 2 to Sabrina's post
  223. How about a bad cat?
  224. Special treatment
  225. Tonight is Scooter's First Obedience Class
  226. Tasha 2 magazines 0
  227. Suggestions for Cooper's Homecoming?
  228. Oh My....
  229. Explain this one to me
  230. Cooper Update
  231. YES...Bad Dog
  232. Another BAD BAD Dog
  233. I Really Don't Know Who Was BAD
  234. Loud Dogs
  235. Potty problems
  236. Should I try to curb the barking?
  237. I'm getting annoyed here...
  238. Good Dog Good Good Girl!
  239. He's a thief again.
  240. What Do You Think?
  241. Nope~Good Dog!!!!
  242. Berry bad doggie........
  243. Big Time Guilt Trip via Austin
  244. Brenda Aloff Seminar
  245. Max is getting very clingy to me
  246. I'm new & need training HELLLLP!
  247. People leaving my apt.....
  248. Winter Potty War has begun
  249. So we've been trained, but has he?
  250. New Crying Issue