- Sidney
- Rescue Links
- Update on Chance
- A friend is looking for a dachsie
- Adoption rayzzzz please
- Does anyone know any members in MWDR
- A first for me
- I think we need to adopt this girl...
- One step closer for the boys
- Buster Buddy
- A pic of a chocolate dapple I transported
- Loooking for a baby doxie in NE
- Reasons to Spay or Neuter your Companion
- Miles Silverberg
- But I *WANT* Him.....:pout:
- Want to transport for MWDR
- Doxy in Ft Myers needs home
- Home Visit for Scooter
- Twas the Night Before Christmas in the Mills of Missouri
- Heard from Bonnie at MWDR...
- Central TX Doxie in need
- Ebay to launch a Live Pets Classified Format
- I Really Need Help!
- Vet discounts for fosters
- Good news & bad news (& a photo)
- Dewey
- One puppy, two puppy, three puppy ...
- Shy (for Ottos Mom)
- Introducing HAAS
- Oliver needs help - Auction
- Ebay Auction to support a dachshund in rescue
- Milo's Story
- Crosspost link to DNA small dog torturer
- Prayers for Zoie Please - Updated
- Zoie is home
- Sanford Andson
- Princess!
- Dallas TX home visit needed
- My doxies by proxy
- Happy Haas
- Flash is going to his forever home on Friday!!
- Great News! NDR
- Taloola Belle
- Dax Man going home tonight
- Hey Georgia Girls!
- Flash made it HOME to Dallas
- Look What I got
- Rut-ro
- Rescue group wins Extreme Home Makeover!!
- Yankee's puppies 4-weeks old
- I am getting another one!
- Here is 'OL Chocolate
- The Story of GOOSEMan
- Haas/Scooter's wheels
- Flash update :o)
- Chocolate is gone
- Sanford and my sanity
- possible way to stop a puppy mill
- Scooter's naked!
- Reggie, Buzz and Tyra
- 5 Week old puppy pictures
- Nap time
- Day care gripe...
- Photo of Yankee with Frankie
- Saving Animals Across Borders
- KC News is reporting
- Pic from SAAB Adoptions Today
- Buddy
- Flash update
- Scooter found a home!
- I maybe getting a 10 week
- Dr. Thor Funkenstein
- Chester Cheetah
- Life after Scooter
- Buster blind 10 week old (photo)
- Need to vent...
- Scooter Update
- Frankie Adoption update
- Cute adoption story
- It's that time again 6 wk puppy pictures
- I Am An Animal Rescuer
- I got a new puppy last night
- The latest on Scooter
- Sir Duke
- 6 Months with Piper!
- Is Your Avid Chip Really Registered?
- Meet Bart
- Buster is safe!!
- Miss Tyra Banks
- Fingers crossed for Chrystyna and Princess!
- Frankie is in his forever home
- Take a look at our fosters!!
- Any Crafty People out there??
- Buster photos are here!! (5 pixs)
- First item up for bid!
- Just one Week (Bart)
- She is staying a while (Allie)
- New foster- This could only happen to me LOL
- I heard from Scooter's mom today
- New Items for Ebay auction
- Look at THIS!!!
- Did Ruby have a break though?
- Jack just got back from his vet visit
- Frankie Update
- Foster homes??
- any good recipes for rescue?
- Thorball
- WHoo hoo a Katrina victim
- Jack's ebay auction ends SOON
- Lookie what I've got
- Total Sales For Ebay Auction This Week!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- female available?
- Anyone looking for a baby baby
- Taffy has her new sister
- Taffy and Daisy
- What rescue takes in seniors?
- Corey is driving me nutzso
- Minus two plus one equals ....
- Dehlia is here
- Daisy Duke
- Gave my daughter 'THE TALK' yesterday
- Coast To Coast fundraiser
- I need help
- Buster is going to his "furever" home Saturday
- Introducing Red...
- Peanut
- Remember Yankee's puppies
- The little love bug...Red!
- My bathtub puppy
- New foster
- Wembley update
- Cash and prizes!!!!
- Buster Update with photos
- 3 Doxies need homes in Florida :)
- In & Out
- Quess whos has ......
- NDR - Getting more puppies
- I rescue because...
- This Old Dog- have a tissue handy
- From Barts Mommy
- Update from Gretchens Dad.
- Dehlia's Update
- Pet Adoptions at the Mall
- It looks like Red will be adopted tomorrow!
- DROH T Shirts
- Dehlia needs support
- ut oh....
- So it looks like I might be traveling to CO
- D.R.E.A.M. is up and running
- Milo Butterfinger
- More pix of Spirit (yes pix heavy)
- Help anyone?
- Bella Valentine
- WIsh me luck
- Questions w/ Non profit status
- Cinnamon has been sprung!
- Corey's home visit has been scheduled
- Spirit's Eye Appointment
- Haven't felt this in a LONG time...
- Paws crossed for Duke and Becca
- Cami needs lotsa Rays!!!!
- Support for the LESS-Educated!
- Spirit brought tears to my eyes today...
- New Boy.
- A senseless death
- Corey is going HOME
- eBay Auctions for Angel
- 15 year old in KC MO Shelter
- Meet Big Red and Wyatt
- In foster shock....
- Corey is on his way home!
- A GREAT Doxies week!!!
- Corey is off to a not so good start
- Expo Extra's
- Angel needs
- Another rescue coming in today
- It's raining and pouring here in Texas
- Yay!!
- Got a little rain down this way today
- Can anyone help transport a Gentle Giant?
- Meet Angel
- Flash, Frankie, Buster & Corey updates
- Boomer photo
- Free Dachshund in Stockbridge, GA
- Cami's Update!!!
- Rescue Help Needed Asap
- Found a Forever Home for Spirit
- Shhh!! She's not here!
- I adopted a hound!
- Lost dog please cross post everywhere!
- Promote your Rescue
- Spirit had a good day the other day... (pix heavy)
- 5 Forever Homes!
- Why oh why??
- Jake is going home!
- Meet Charlie
- I met Charlie today
- Just got back from a transport
- I just got back from a transport too.
- This is what I did yesterday (non Doxie)
- Charlie is safe!
- Insane - I think I am Insane.
- My Insanity
- Our 1st Booth at a street Fair!!!
- Mickey goes home!
- Casey is Finally Home!
- More Prayers for Duckie needed
- HELP with 501c3 status!!!
- I think I'm crazy
- OH my gosh Ana
- Breaks me outs
- They keep on rollling in
- Precious Angel
- The Pupppppies
- The big girl went home last night.
- What do you do????
- Angel -- Announcement !!!!! Pupppies
- Ambassadachsie Alex...
- Guess who is here!?
- Big time :)
- This just ticks me off!!
- Please remind me why ......
- Do I have a Fever? The Fostering Bug Strikes
- Omg, This Is A Great Dog Day!!!!!
- Look at DUCKIE
- ATDR Resue makes news...(tissue required)
- Major cuteness overload
- Remember that Eskie that needed the cart?
- Introducing.... RUSTY
- Update on ATDR - puppymill issue
- My newest foster
- READY for the unvailing????
- How do you do it? (Those with more than two dogs!)
- Iowa to classify dogs as "agricultural production"
- Quilt Raffle-Canadian Dachshund Rescue
- They got the woman (bitch is too good a word for her)...
- So, I am picking up my first foster tomorrow!!
- Here's some fun reading ...to get your blood boiling!
- Meet Henry!
- Dexter's new family
- Hello from Alabama
- Fostering Veterans: What should I do?
- ATDR puppymill raid - final words
- How did you come about adopting/rescuing/purchasing your dogs?
- Cami "Dog of the Day"
- Meet Sweetie!!
- Anyone work with Coast to Coast rescue?
- How many DLC puppers are rescues?
- My Sweet Henry has left.
- Another Ebay Auction for SSDR!!