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  1. Sidney
  2. Rescue Links
  3. Update on Chance
  4. A friend is looking for a dachsie
  5. Adoption rayzzzz please
  6. Does anyone know any members in MWDR
  7. A first for me
  8. I think we need to adopt this girl...
  9. One step closer for the boys
  10. Buster Buddy
  11. A pic of a chocolate dapple I transported
  12. Loooking for a baby doxie in NE
  13. Reasons to Spay or Neuter your Companion
  14. Miles Silverberg
  15. But I *WANT* Him.....:pout:
  16. Want to transport for MWDR
  17. Doxy in Ft Myers needs home
  18. Home Visit for Scooter
  19. Twas the Night Before Christmas in the Mills of Missouri
  20. Heard from Bonnie at MWDR...
  21. Central TX Doxie in need
  22. Ebay to launch a Live Pets Classified Format
  23. I Really Need Help!
  24. Vet discounts for fosters
  25. Good news & bad news (& a photo)
  26. Dewey
  27. One puppy, two puppy, three puppy ...
  28. Shy (for Ottos Mom)
  29. Introducing HAAS
  30. Oliver needs help - Auction
  31. Ebay Auction to support a dachshund in rescue
  32. Milo's Story
  33. Crosspost link to DNA small dog torturer
  34. Prayers for Zoie Please - Updated
  35. Zoie is home
  36. Sanford Andson
  37. Princess!
  38. Dallas TX home visit needed
  39. My doxies by proxy
  40. Happy Haas
  41. Flash is going to his forever home on Friday!!
  42. Great News! NDR
  43. Taloola Belle
  44. Dax Man going home tonight
  45. Hey Georgia Girls!
  46. Flash made it HOME to Dallas
  47. Look What I got
  48. Rut-ro
  49. Rescue group wins Extreme Home Makeover!!
  50. Yankee's puppies 4-weeks old
  51. I am getting another one!
  52. Here is 'OL Chocolate
  53. The Story of GOOSEMan
  54. Haas/Scooter's wheels
  55. Flash update :o)
  56. Chocolate is gone
  57. Sanford and my sanity
  58. possible way to stop a puppy mill
  59. Scooter's naked!
  60. Reggie, Buzz and Tyra
  61. 5 Week old puppy pictures
  62. Nap time
  63. Day care gripe...
  64. Photo of Yankee with Frankie
  65. Saving Animals Across Borders
  66. KC News is reporting
  67. Pic from SAAB Adoptions Today
  68. Buddy
  69. Flash update
  70. Scooter found a home!
  71. I maybe getting a 10 week
  72. Dr. Thor Funkenstein
  73. Chester Cheetah
  74. Life after Scooter
  75. Buster blind 10 week old (photo)
  76. Need to vent...
  77. Scooter Update
  78. Frankie Adoption update
  79. Cute adoption story
  80. It's that time again 6 wk puppy pictures
  81. I Am An Animal Rescuer
  82. I got a new puppy last night
  83. The latest on Scooter
  84. Sir Duke
  85. 6 Months with Piper!
  86. Is Your Avid Chip Really Registered?
  87. Meet Bart
  88. Buster is safe!!
  89. Miss Tyra Banks
  90. Fingers crossed for Chrystyna and Princess!
  91. Frankie is in his forever home
  92. Take a look at our fosters!!
  93. Any Crafty People out there??
  94. Buster photos are here!! (5 pixs)
  95. First item up for bid!
  96. Just one Week (Bart)
  97. She is staying a while (Allie)
  98. New foster- This could only happen to me LOL
  99. I heard from Scooter's mom today
  100. New Items for Ebay auction
  101. Look at THIS!!!
  102. Did Ruby have a break though?
  103. Jack just got back from his vet visit
  104. Frankie Update
  105. Foster homes??
  106. any good recipes for rescue?
  107. Thorball
  108. WHoo hoo a Katrina victim
  109. Jack's ebay auction ends SOON
  110. Lookie what I've got
  111. Total Sales For Ebay Auction This Week!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  112. female available?
  113. Anyone looking for a baby baby
  114. Taffy has her new sister
  115. Taffy and Daisy
  116. What rescue takes in seniors?
  117. Corey is driving me nutzso
  118. Minus two plus one equals ....
  119. Dehlia is here
  120. Daisy Duke
  121. Gave my daughter 'THE TALK' yesterday
  122. Coast To Coast fundraiser
  123. I need help
  124. Buster is going to his "furever" home Saturday
  125. Introducing Red...
  126. Peanut
  127. Remember Yankee's puppies
  128. The little love bug...Red!
  129. My bathtub puppy
  130. New foster
  131. Wembley update
  132. Cash and prizes!!!!
  133. Buster Update with photos
  134. 3 Doxies need homes in Florida :)
  135. In & Out
  136. Quess whos has ......
  137. NDR - Getting more puppies
  138. I rescue because...
  139. This Old Dog- have a tissue handy
  140. From Barts Mommy
  141. Update from Gretchens Dad.
  142. Dehlia's Update
  143. Pet Adoptions at the Mall
  144. It looks like Red will be adopted tomorrow!
  145. DROH T Shirts
  146. Dehlia needs support
  147. ut oh....
  148. So it looks like I might be traveling to CO
  149. D.R.E.A.M. is up and running
  150. Milo Butterfinger
  151. More pix of Spirit (yes pix heavy)
  152. Help anyone?
  153. Bella Valentine
  154. WIsh me luck
  155. Questions w/ Non profit status
  156. Cinnamon has been sprung!
  157. Corey's home visit has been scheduled
  158. Spirit's Eye Appointment
  159. Haven't felt this in a LONG time...
  160. Paws crossed for Duke and Becca
  161. Cami needs lotsa Rays!!!!
  162. Support for the LESS-Educated!
  163. Spirit brought tears to my eyes today...
  164. New Boy.
  165. A senseless death
  166. Corey is going HOME
  167. eBay Auctions for Angel
  168. 15 year old in KC MO Shelter
  169. Meet Big Red and Wyatt
  170. In foster shock....
  171. Corey is on his way home!
  172. A GREAT Doxies week!!!
  173. Corey is off to a not so good start
  174. Expo Extra's
  175. Angel needs
  176. Another rescue coming in today
  177. It's raining and pouring here in Texas
  178. Yay!!
  179. Got a little rain down this way today
  180. Can anyone help transport a Gentle Giant?
  181. Meet Angel
  182. Flash, Frankie, Buster & Corey updates
  183. Boomer photo
  184. Free Dachshund in Stockbridge, GA
  185. Cami's Update!!!
  186. Rescue Help Needed Asap
  187. Found a Forever Home for Spirit
  188. Shhh!! She's not here!
  189. I adopted a hound!
  190. Lost dog please cross post everywhere!
  191. Promote your Rescue
  192. Spirit had a good day the other day... (pix heavy)
  193. 5 Forever Homes!
  194. Why oh why??
  195. Jake is going home!
  196. Meet Charlie
  197. I met Charlie today
  198. Just got back from a transport
  199. I just got back from a transport too.
  200. This is what I did yesterday (non Doxie)
  201. Charlie is safe!
  202. Insane - I think I am Insane.
  203. My Insanity
  204. Our 1st Booth at a street Fair!!!
  205. Mickey goes home!
  206. Casey is Finally Home!
  207. More Prayers for Duckie needed
  208. HELP with 501c3 status!!!
  209. I think I'm crazy
  210. OH my gosh Ana
  211. Breaks me outs
  212. They keep on rollling in
  213. Precious Angel
  214. The Pupppppies
  215. The big girl went home last night.
  216. What do you do????
  217. Angel -- Announcement !!!!! Pupppies
  218. Ambassadachsie Alex...
  219. Guess who is here!?
  220. Big time :)
  221. This just ticks me off!!
  222. Please remind me why ......
  223. Do I have a Fever? The Fostering Bug Strikes
  224. Omg, This Is A Great Dog Day!!!!!
  225. Look at DUCKIE
  226. ATDR Resue makes news...(tissue required)
  227. Major cuteness overload
  228. Remember that Eskie that needed the cart?
  229. Introducing.... RUSTY
  230. Update on ATDR - puppymill issue
  231. My newest foster
  232. READY for the unvailing????
  233. How do you do it? (Those with more than two dogs!)
  234. Iowa to classify dogs as "agricultural production"
  235. Quilt Raffle-Canadian Dachshund Rescue
  236. They got the woman (bitch is too good a word for her)...
  237. So, I am picking up my first foster tomorrow!!
  238. Here's some fun reading ...to get your blood boiling!
  239. Meet Henry!
  240. Dexter's new family
  241. Hello from Alabama
  242. Fostering Veterans: What should I do?
  243. ATDR puppymill raid - final words
  244. How did you come about adopting/rescuing/purchasing your dogs?
  245. Cami "Dog of the Day"
  246. Meet Sweetie!!
  247. Anyone work with Coast to Coast rescue?
  248. How many DLC puppers are rescues?
  249. My Sweet Henry has left.
  250. Another Ebay Auction for SSDR!!