View Full Version : IVDD / Back Issues

  1. Duchie post-op update and questions
  2. Intestinal probs for dogs with disc probs??...info please!
  3. Mr. Butters is crying when he does stairs...UPDATED post 19
  4. Emmy Lou - Paralysis
  5. Preventing spinal problems...
  6. Duchie wobbly - update post 13
  7. Updates!
  8. Bailey is in the hospital (long)
  9. Isabel is in pain.
  10. Test for IVDD
  11. Jax update-not good-update #21, possible surgery
  12. Official Jax surgery thread (latest news update 6 post#83)
  13. My physical therapy visit by Jax
  14. Good report from Dr Chuck today
  15. Laika update
  16. More Laika update
  17. Laika pics
  18. I'm a little worried...
  19. Laika recheck today
  20. Laika's morning
  21. Laika weekend update
  22. The Prof Update
  23. Post-op bath
  24. You want the okay news or the scary news?
  25. Laikaween update
  26. Pogo's Down -- need rayz **mini update post 20**
  27. Pogo Update -- out of surgery - **good update #33**
  28. Fingers crossed - Pogo comes home tomorrow **update - on our way to pick him up**
  29. Pogo update -- he is home - update post #24
  30. Article on IVDD
  31. Houston we have liftoff
  32. Mitch is in the Hospital
  33. Some clarification of x-rays and IVDD
  34. Oh No! Its always something! (Not good).
  35. Gunner Update UPDATING UPDATE post 7!
  36. Gunner made it thru surgery.
  37. Gunner Update 2-9-09----- UPDATE on #14 and 21
  38. Gunner Update 3-4-09
  39. Prayers and Rays for tomorrow! Update #12
  40. Just wondering...
  41. Molly is down
  42. Willow - Update Post #42
  43. Not good news - need rayz - RAYZ WORKED! Update #16
  44. Jumping Question
  45. A year ago today
  46. Supplements
  47. Bambi - UPDATE Post # 24
  48. Dodgers List on Facebook
  49. Otto at it again
  50. help spread knowledge of IVDD
  51. Lucky April 2010
  52. More Lucky!!!
  53. Rayz for Oscar
  54. Oscar Update
  55. Oscar Update #2
  56. Otto, One Year Ago This Weekend
  57. My Jack is down again
  58. Otto Back On His Feet!
  59. "Fixing Broken Dogs"
  60. Calcifiying discs
  61. Dachshund Back Study
  62. Rayz for the Pixel Man please -- Good update #36
  63. Pred / crate rest question
  64. Another Crate rest IVDD question
  65. Gunner is having issues
  66. My little old man is having back issues :(
  67. Pixel two week update
  68. IVDD sling (scarf, tensor bandage) support pictures
  69. Pixel's visit with CARE
  70. Why Pixel, why?
  71. Gunner off for a surgery consult **3 Update
  72. Gunner is coming HOME today!
  73. Spirit is having back problems...
  74. Spirit is in surgery, Update post #10 New #27
  75. Back Issues
  76. Prayers for Chapo-UPDATE on #19
  77. Gunner update
  78. Pixel?
  79. Spirit one week later...
  80. What helps? Lucy has back issues
  81. Gunner 1st day without Pain meds
  82. Gunner more improvement!
  83. IVDD treatment DVD available
  84. FREE at last...by Pixel
  85. Gunner's Vet visit is today
  86. Alex's update
  87. Making Carts...with boy parts
  88. Chuckle-man
  89. Stroller
  90. Lockdown: day one
  91. Mitch is on crate rest...
  92. Chuck and Mitch...updates?
  93. Well, here's the story I promised
  94. Hello, everyone.
  95. Calvin had back surgery
  96. Update on Max
  97. Calvin Update
  98. Help, please NEW UPDATE post 28
  99. Alex
  100. Calvin released from lockdown-now what??
  101. Jax
  102. Guess who is sitting next to me on the couch?
  103. I hate to ask, but Pixel needs rayz too
  104. Crap. I guess we need some rays too...
  105. How to express a dogs bladder
  106. Jax update
  107. Adequan, Acupucture and Strollers oh my...
  108. I cannot recommend this book enough times...
  109. Pixel update -- Week 4
  110. Crate rest - round II is OVER
  111. Buddy is hurt (IVDD?). What to do?
  112. Article on Pet Acupuncture
  113. Back Brace for dogs.
  114. Heart warming video
  115. Buddy's neck hurts
  116. Add us to the IVDD family:(
  117. Sam Follow up this morning UPDATE :(
  118. Laser 101
  119. Odd question???
  120. Pixel running around
  121. $am is a $hit
  122. Sigh.....
  123. Pepper's hurt
  124. Well...here we are again...
  125. Another type of back brace for IVDD
  126. Sam update
  127. Buddy is walking wobbly
  128. Only my luck
  129. Update on our down dogs????
  130. Good update!!!
  131. Another great moment!!!
  132. Buddy update, 6 wks after surgery
  133. Question/ Comments
  134. Angel - back rayz... ***update 2/13***
  135. Buddy PT on underwater treadmill
  136. Dog-in-a-Box update 2/14
  137. Owey's got a sore neck... UPDATE 3-7
  138. Entertainment ideas for crated dogs?
  139. Sarah Ellen's Lili is down :(
  140. Lili update
  141. Sam question
  142. Buddy walks OK 4 months after IVDD surgery
  143. It's our turn
  144. Oddball question
  145. Bruno Needs Spinal Surgery
  146. Question on Spinal Issue
  147. Buddy suffers more back pain
  148. Cosco had a back episode tonight
  149. Cosco
  150. Phoenix rays
  151. Cosco...
  152. Lili (again)
  153. Georgia's acupuncture appt today
  154. Georgia's 4 week update...
  155. 3 out of 4...
  156. 8 weeks crate rest DONE
  157. Newest foster Bucky
  158. Siggghhhhh - Sam is going down again
  159. Laser Therapy for Peaches
  160. AbleDogs
  161. Theo rays
  162. Beautiful video
  163. Theo went down tonight. (Update - Post #122)
  164. Update #73 Home: Rusty went down :(
  165. Rayz and prayers for Rusty
  166. Our 8 weeks are done!
  167. Back from the neurologist!
  168. 2 Week Re-check
  169. Help!
  170. Rusty Update.
  171. Pixel needs rayz
  172. Rusty's 2 month Update
  173. ANNNDDD, Angel could use rayz...
  174. Hope I'm just paranoid
  175. I have pi**ed off the vetkarma gods
  176. Poor Penny's Neck
  177. Rayz for P'nut
  178. P'nuts vet visit
  179. two week P'nut update -- Good :)
  180. Rusty's Acupuncture
  181. yelping! UPDATE POST #43
  182. My Turn
  183. News: Spinal implant fixes IVDD in rats
  184. Pippit...again(something new)
  185. This is so frustrating....
  186. Darby Drama
  187. Darby, Week Two
  188. Look what Milo and Maisy are getting to help prevent back problems!
  189. Darby's Back - Starting Week 4
  190. Darby Had VOM Again Today
  191. Buddy's neck is weird (again)
  192. Darby Update
  193. Sebastian is down - update #11
  194. Sebastian's IVDD 2015 journey
  195. Buddy's back is sore again, IVDD
  196. 1 year ago today
  197. Darby Dilemma Part II
  198. Rusty update
  199. Petunia Update!!
  200. Sofie's turn
  201. Petunia's 6th week
  202. 2/8/16
  203. Update
  204. Latest Chiro
  205. Not again! Sigh!
  206. My a peanut is in pain
  207. Peanut going for MRI and possible surgery wednesday
  208. Peanut is home from surgery.
  209. Reese went down
  210. Early signs? Savannah has me scared.
  211. Holy Sheep!
  212. 3rd time for Sam :(
  213. My oldest has back/leg problems.
  214. Honeys, I’m home
  215. All I want for Christmas is NOT back trouble...