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  1. wello edybody!
  2. Telly, a puppy mill rescue
  3. Gag! Yuck! Gross!
  4. I'm going grey before my time!
  5. Oh no!!!!
  6. Washin' My Weens
  7. Hershey's in trubleeeeee
  8. He just smashed into the screen door. Silly Oscar
  9. Bad Andrea
  10. Pssst... hey, DLC
  11. Weiner Dog Costume Competition Held at German Fest
  12. Whatcha want Gracie??
  13. playing in the sun
  14. Meeting new wieners
  15. The dogs missed their baby
  16. She speaks...she growls...wow, she sounds mean!
  17. Louie, Louie.
  18. Hard Lemonade
  19. Ugh, skunks.
  20. Huntin' for Squirrel....
  21. Trixie and Juney can count!
  22. Something I've NEVER Seen Before
  23. T.Ped
  24. Twice, shame on me.
  25. Cuteness Overload
  26. Hot men and their wieners...
  27. Where is dinner?
  28. The great soap heist of 2008
  29. Toliet howls and night wake ups
  30. Tale of a (Dead) Bird
  31. Hide the rabbit
  32. Petey gave me a fright
  33. That spot in the sky
  34. My little alarm clock
  35. To be late, or not to be late...that is the question
  36. Sabrina the black princess
  37. Dolly and Freydo At The Vet
  38. Sumfin peeped at me!
  39. I don't believe anything Mommy says except when she calls me a Princess.
  40. Finally met dogs at the park
  41. Juney and Trixie's morning out
  42. Too Hot for Photos
  43. Juney and Trixie's frog adventure
  44. All gated up VPH
  45. Cassie has "One of Those Days"
  46. She gives hugs!
  47. So We Were Getting Ready to Leave for the Car Show - Updated with pics Post #15
  48. Our breakfast 'venture...
  49. Our eating day dus gets beddeh !!!
  50. Jax's quest for the mouse (w/pic)
  51. At last - a dog park!
  52. Jasper Notadox
  53. Austin Outsmarts Puppy Breakfast Time
  54. Emma's Bloomin' Onion
  55. Because Life Goes On at the Anipal Palace
  56. How I Gave Darwin and Austin a Bath
  57. early morning scare (funny)
  58. A good problem to have
  59. I knew that my baby's first word would have something to do with Oscar! (with photos)
  60. Um, did I mention the chickens?
  61. Jethro, True Dachshund Learning in Action
  62. surprise for surprise
  63. Wha????
  64. Doxies + Rain = Cranky mom
  65. Creepy Birds
  66. Skippy's SNEAKY breakfast!.........
  67. Rue's Human Reaction
  68. Emma and Cy got attacked today
  69. The J's go to the beach!! (VPH)
  70. Thank you Snooter!
  71. Doxie's Retraction
  72. Rue and the Stranger in the Bathroom
  73. Cy can't win
  74. Playing in the Leaves
  75. I'm not scared of white cold stuff!!!
  76. The J's discover snow...(VPH)
  77. Juney and Trixie's night-time adventure cut short
  78. An Unfamilar Woof
  79. What's a mom to do...
  80. The vet bill is how much?
  81. Peaches is too frickin funny!
  82. Non-wiener adventure (a very small one)
  83. Sweet Miller
  84. Tasha spends Thanksgiving with a JRT
  85. Is there a doctor in the House?
  86. Helping Our Mom
  87. Brain Freeze
  88. Another tiny adventure..
  89. The J's are social butterflies!
  90. Road Trip !!!!!
  91. The Reindeer Poop Incident
  92. Mimosas for breakfast!!!
  93. My new assistant
  94. We are at Auntie Andrea's house !!!!
  95. Skippy makes the rounds......
  96. Toby, Texas Chew Boy Massacre
  97. We have a slide!
  98. Skippy's first snow!.........
  99. The first Texas day for Toby River......
  100. Herman Hates Towels
  101. A few "atta boys" for Toby !
  102. Saw a scary thing ...
  103. Our Mom Is CRAZY!
  104. Open House
  105. Communication
  106. Partners in crime!
  107. Anipal Tales
  108. They're Home!!
  109. Wusty Needs Ways
  110. Ok here they are!
  111. Toby Does Toenails...
  112. So they yell GOOSIE's Mom.
  113. Toby - Very.Good.Boy.
  114. She is such a tease
  115. Mighty Max the Minni and his ........
  116. I think he was mad?
  117. A Berry Mean Mommy - from ollie
  118. Pepsi had me scared.
  119. Midnight adventures with Mika!
  120. Ode to my Favorite
  121. Bella ran on 4 legs!
  122. Saw a golden eagle attack a dog today!
  123. Peaches Was Very Mad At Piper Man
  124. Where'd Eduardo Go? More pics on pg 3
  125. Muddy Trixie
  126. Perfect day!
  127. Whats ups ....
  128. I thought Trixie got carried off by a hawk!
  129. The J's Embrace Winter
  130. The Woodstock Dog Park Squirrel Revival
  131. Gunner had two adventures back to back!
  132. My chewer!!!!
  133. Anyone watching the Anipal cam?
  134. Stick taker away.....
  135. I, Duchie, had to poop
  136. Tan Lines
  137. The Injustice of It All!
  138. Riddle me this
  139. Safe Harbor From A Thunder Storm
  140. I just love my groomer!!!
  141. Oh No Not Again...
  142. My Trip To The Pet Store.
  143. Wild Wiener Rikka
  144. Sunny Sunday
  145. Somebody Likes Her Baths
  146. Fat Frank's online
  147. My Third Dachshund
  148. ughh leave it to Speedy
  149. Ice Cream !!!
  150. The Great Black and Tan Hunter Scores!
  151. First Haircut, I am 4, long/wire doxie...
  152. Thanks~to my brother
  153. Hopelessly Devoted to You
  154. Jackson at his best
  155. So pissed off!!!
  156. The Big Lug.....
  157. Please Don't Eat the Daisies....
  158. Dachsie that does not want cookies?????
  159. My Bery First Vet Visit
  160. Visiting with My Sister!
  161. Mr. Butters, caring Man-Dog
  162. Pippit's Hike Today
  163. I Speedy is mad
  164. The Js Climb Everest (VPH)
  165. Runaway Wiener Chase this A.M.!!
  166. My shadow Clay
  167. Great Dachshund vids
  168. Adventurous Waldo
  169. Daisy does yard sales
  170. Rusty Weener, Ebay Shopper
  171. Where in heck is we???
  172. Ewwww!!
  173. Bella Goes to the Therapist
  174. Scooter, Adventure Dog
  175. Edible perfumes
  176. Daisy gets so much attention.....
  177. Bob Barker & Skippy fall in love!.........
  178. Off to Gramma's we ALL go.
  179. The Soon to be Adventure!
  180. Fish Adventure
  181. Tasha the huntress captures a bunny!
  182. What to do?!?
  183. A Brandy Funny.....
  184. The Neighbor's Dog
  185. Piper The Good Dog
  186. Working Dogs in Action!
  187. Juney and Trixie love their Mommy!
  188. Mousies
  189. X pen advise needed
  190. Tasha and the fart....noise
  191. Grumble stupid people
  192. Theoooo the runner!!
  193. It's all the Anipals Fault!
  194. A puzzle
  195. Dachshund Phase
  196. The Js Party Hearty!!
  197. Jeebus H Christ, Piper!
  198. Um, mom?? did you forget something??
  199. Trixie suffers from embarrassment
  200. What a sneek!
  201. Road Trip with the 7
  202. Dumbledore the magician/escape artist
  203. Juney's Happy Dream
  204. Honey has a Heart Attack! (not really)
  205. The lowrider has reached
  206. Weiner Crisis in the household!
  207. When was the last time........
  208. Bacation!!!!
  209. Why.....
  210. No, no, no, Trixie! Groan!!
  211. The Famous Dog Beach(and Coast Guard Beach, too!)(yes, pic heavy!)
  212. Tasha trees the bandit!!
  213. The WWW get Watermelon VPH
  214. Boy can they swim!!!
  215. Collecting
  216. Cute story
  217. Walking along the Lakeside
  218. Bed Pillows
  219. Pillow?????
  220. Dachshund Food Protection Agency
  221. Rascel
  222. Bella's Zommies
  223. Abby's Day
  224. We won stuff!!!
  225. Mommy is acting weird!
  226. NADAC agility
  227. good news and bad news
  228. Snausage From Heaven/Doggie Bath/Otto's Solo Flight
  229. A near Peen Tragedy!
  230. I am proud of the girls
  231. The Terror of it .....
  232. teacupping..
  233. We wants to move back to da city!!!
  234. Tasha was attacked by a huge dog last week
  235. Just call her spot - velcro dog and painting do not mix well
  236. Got to see a first today
  237. We're Here
  238. Invaded!
  239. Halp! replacement needed for a dying toy
  240. I have to share!
  241. O good lord...
  242. Ari took the dogs for a walk...
  243. it's me again, Annabelle!
  244. Oktoberfest Wiener Dog Races
  245. James, Protector of da Womenfolk!
  246. Mom is not Lazy - Furkids Are
  247. Mirrored
  248. Salsa Report
  249. Never Trust the Silence
  250. Playfight round 1: Jasper & Lili