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  1. Gigi at work with me --(UPDATED W/PICS ON POST #3) (16 replies)
  2. Bailey's New Game (16 replies)
  3. He almost got one! (6 replies)
  4. Juney is a little Dork! (10 replies)
  5. Lost Dolly (14 replies)
  6. A Historic Evening (13 replies)
  7. Well-meaning man ruined our walk!!!! (11 replies)
  8. "Get away from my house" (8 replies)
  9. Escape artist? (4 replies)
  10. Mikey D on You-Tube (6 replies)
  11. PUPPEN and the BIG BIRD!! (15 replies)
  12. A brag for brudder Cricket (9 replies)
  13. Where does this path end? Tasha's walkies weekend (and a pigeon who got lucky) (9 replies)
  14. Nail Biter? (7 replies)
  15. Geoff won't eat her treats. (4 replies)
  16. He Loves His Sissy! (6 replies)
  17. Daisy is smarter than we are (Thank goodness) (4 replies)
  18. He can use the ramp! -now with pics and videos! (13 replies)
  19. GOOSEMan feet never hit the ground (12 replies)
  20. Who Needs a Leash.... (5 replies)
  21. Alex at the Spa... (3 replies)
  22. Dachshund Featured on Animal Planet... (8 replies)
  23. Bedtime Stealth Attack (2 replies)
  24. Have you ever put 7 doxies in a hallway?? (6 replies)
  25. Cesar Milan Adopted a Dachshund! (18 replies)
  26. The Poison Dwops are Back! (3 replies)
  27. Confessions of a Wiener Dog (8 replies)
  28. Red male smoothie dachshund day at the vet (9 replies)
  29. The Last Rawhide Curl.... (7 replies)
  30. Darwin Adventure (8 replies)
  31. Darwin Reading Mar. 21, 2007 (12 replies)
  32. Walking Calamity (13 replies)
  33. Molly's Adventure's Of The Day!!! (7 replies)
  34. Scooby is a daddy's boy! (2 replies)
  35. Springtime Low rider World Tour continues... (66 replies)
  36. He's going to be the death of me... (20 replies)
  37. I'm exhausted!!! (12 replies)
  38. Bob Barker's awesome first flight..... (11 replies)
  39. Northern VA MeetUp - 18 March (2 replies)
  40. I think I will av to buy him his own (8 replies)
  41. Dexter Gardening Inc. (6 replies)
  42. Smarty pants Dash (3 replies)
  43. Dolly's Bath (5 replies)
  44. BigBen (7 replies)
  45. The galloping lab and the flexilead! (7 replies)
  46. Speedy Adventure (19 replies)
  47. Adjusting (Kizzie & Lizzie) (4 replies)
  48. Miller's Trip to the Garden Center (15 replies)
  49. tonight on Pay Per View Bailey-v-Rug Doctor (8 replies)
  50. Juney and Trixie had a girl's night out (4 replies)
  51. Froggy's Bar Brawl!!! (16 replies)
  52. Reese's Reading from the animal communicator... (23 replies)
  53. We are back :) (21 replies)
  54. Oscar just had a date with 2 huge dogs (4 replies)
  55. Trixie turns white! (6 replies)
  56. Car Show for Cash (8 replies)
  57. Wiiling to trade (5 replies)
  58. Where do you take a spoiled boy for his birthday???? (12 replies)
  59. Austin Scared the Crap Outta Me (11 replies)
  60. Crazy doxies (7 replies)
  61. Why are we going to Home Depot at 8am on a Monday? (13 replies)
  62. No thanks, I'll take the elevator (10 replies)
  63. Snooter and the rug (12 replies)
  64. Pippit~Offleashed (8 replies)
  65. Mother's Little Helpers (9 replies)
  66. I am SO embarassed! (17 replies)
  67. So she thinks she is pretty funny... (8 replies)
  68. Go figure it out (6 replies)
  69. Oh dear god save me (14 replies)
  70. Poor Mitzi (4 replies)
  71. Shushing with Kisses (10 replies)
  72. Yet another Speedy tale (10 replies)
  73. I have snow bunnies in my backyard!!!!! (4 replies)
  74. Revenge of the Butters... (4 replies)
  75. Peaches did the cutest thing today! (14 replies)
  76. GOOSEMan is 17 !!!!! (39 replies)
  77. MY Crazy Night (5 replies)
  78. An open letter to my dogs (13 replies)
  79. Rub a dub dub, two weens in a tub (10 replies)
  80. The Continuing Saga of Darwin, too smart for me (10 replies)
  81. Too Smart for His Own Good (13 replies)
  82. Guess what happened at 5:30am? (25 replies)
  83. Bailey won't stop farting. (12 replies)
  84. Yuck, he did it again. (7 replies)
  85. How Trixie, the Southern Belle, handles cold (2 replies)
  86. We lived with gramma! (3 replies)
  87. Walkydog Bike Ride (14 replies)
  88. Pearl's Session With the Communicator (75 replies)
  89. Grrrt is a Goiter (9 replies)
  90. Rigby's new routine (7 replies)
  91. While mommy was goose watching..... (5 replies)
  92. Adult speak (13 replies)
  93. Pippit's Fowl Adventures (7 replies)
  94. How To Get A Bad Night's Sleep (4 replies)
  95. A note from Owen Weenie (27 replies)
  96. If you want a Low Rider, do not check e-bay (7 replies)
  97. It's not like I don't feed them! (7 replies)
  98. You must play with me NOW! (8 replies)
  99. Spiteful Heidi! (8 replies)
  100. Low-la is going shopping! (12 replies)
  101. Oscar the thief and why my husband is mad (13 replies)
  102. Dachshund Counter Surfing/How I lost my reeces (14 replies)
  103. Adventures In Babysitting (9 replies)
  104. Hound Dog Nose Appreciation (7 replies)
  105. What's the latest on the low rider (8 replies)
  106. That look (11 replies)
  107. What is this stuff??? (14 replies)
  108. The dog in the mirror. (6 replies)
  109. ME HATE RAIN! -A memoir (7 replies)
  110. Heated Seats for the Princess (11 replies)
  111. Now what would you say....... (16 replies)
  112. Rigby and her "prey" (6 replies)
  113. Darwin Was GOOD!!! (11 replies)
  114. What does getting to spend all day outside get ya? (3 replies)
  115. HELP!!!! My pillow's haunted! (11 replies)
  116. Tell Me About The Last Time Your Pupper Embarassed You (21 replies)
  117. My New Year's Day Supper (13 replies)
  118. Tasha's newest obsession - sea gulls (12 replies)
  119. Lived to tell the Tale (20 replies)
  120. We had a dachsie visitor today! (1 replies)
  121. Oh he's pizzzzzzed (8 replies)
  122. Oooooh, look at all these boys!!! (6 replies)
  123. Where, oh Where is the Low Rider now??? (9 replies)
  124. Cocoa on a Fruit Delights Binge this time... (4 replies)
  125. Torturing Rigby (6 replies)
  126. Sassy and her christmas toys. (8 replies)
  127. Playing Favorites (6 replies)
  128. I'm about to do something stupid! (13 replies)
  129. Earthdog practice (6 replies)
  130. Do yours do this?? (17 replies)
  131. Chili Beans and Broccoli (10 replies)
  132. Heidi & Princess and the opposum (8 replies)
  133. CRAP!!! Someone grab my weiner!! (23 replies)
  134. Darwin the Dipstick...not so much (3 replies)
  135. Thor the mighty hunter (14 replies)
  136. Shadow is officially a hunter! (5 replies)
  137. I think Speedy is mad at me. (6 replies)
  138. Today Is the Day!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (16 replies)
  139. Cool HOUND Facts: (12 replies)
  140. Sam, what are you doing?? (18 replies)
  141. Where In The Dlc World Is The Low Rider? (20 replies)
  142. A cute Nail experience :) (21 replies)
  143. Nicknames (6 replies)
  144. Leave it to my dad the big goof (12 replies)
  145. Musical bones (9 replies)
  146. Sleeping Arrangements (19 replies)
  147. The Professor Pounces (4 replies)
  148. The Baby (9 replies)
  149. The Latest, Greatest Food Theft Story (16 replies)
  150. Weenie Wrestling! (8 replies)
  151. How lazy is YOUR dog? (13 replies)
  152. Pippit's Adventure in Donut Land! (17 replies)
  153. Darwin's Demand (13 replies)
  154. Neighborhood dog (9 replies)
  155. Mitzi the brownie stealer (9 replies)
  156. Molly Saves Mommy (9 replies)
  157. Bailey the wanna-be sandwich stealer... (17 replies)
  158. Snooter the sandwich caper (16 replies)
  159. Weiner On The Loose!!!!!!! (12 replies)
  160. Rigby has a crush on Justin timberlake! (7 replies)
  161. Juney kills a sweater...RIP (5 replies)
  162. Hiking Adventure~and creepy guy encounter (13 replies)
  163. Tasha vs the Woodchuck! (9 replies)
  164. Cocoa goes on a cocoa binge (14 replies)
  165. Watching TV (2 replies)
  166. Running free alone in the house (14 replies)
  167. Things we do for our dachsies (8 replies)
  168. Caught in the Act! (17 replies)
  169. On Patrol (4 replies)
  170. Wet puppers (8 replies)
  171. How To Make Your Puppers Exhausted (9 replies)
  172. Happy Easter? (6 replies)
  173. Snooter Escapes (13 replies)
  174. The evil afghan!!! (6 replies)
  175. Otto Alarm (10 replies)
  176. Lizard Refugee Babysitting- Dachshunds + Lizards = funny (9 replies)
  177. Corvette Cash at the Car Show (22 replies)
  178. Bailey, meet Mr. Skunk... (5 replies)
  179. Cooper-Dini Strikes Again! (16 replies)
  180. Our Hiking Adventure (11 replies)
  181. Monday humor (13 replies)
  182. Back from CVS (6 replies)
  183. So Smart...yet so dippy (6 replies)
  184. Mustang Miller (11 replies)
  185. Darwin's Day Out (7 replies)
  186. Break out!! (8 replies)
  187. Git da BUG!!!!!(with pics!) (6 replies)
  188. Only kind of a wiener adventure.... (7 replies)
  189. Cricket the Guardian (11 replies)
  190. Cooper is an Escape Artist! (10 replies)
  191. Tyrone is a RATTER!! (11 replies)
  192. NDR but still kinda cool!! (9 replies)
  193. The shelters dog walk (4 replies)
  194. Rough Night (16 replies)
  195. Caught in the act!! (8 replies)
  196. Mr. Butters, Bug Killa (9 replies)
  197. A BIG BOBO mistake!!!! (15 replies)
  198. a slithery day (12 replies)
  199. So Sad Dolly (16 replies)
  200. Don't Poop THERE!!! (9 replies)
  201. The boys are home... (6 replies)
  202. Doxie Small Game Hunting in Season (5 replies)
  203. Ground squirrels are for eating, Mom! (9 replies)
  204. My first vent.... (12 replies)
  205. New delicacy according to Juney and Trixie (16 replies)
  206. The Boys at the Dog Resort (12 replies)
  207. A week without daddy....how will they survive? (5 replies)
  208. HUH? Cricket is so cornfused (9 replies)
  209. The worst minute of my life! (9 replies)
  210. Mr. Butters and Rigby Versus the Pit Bull (6 replies)
  211. Lovers and "Hatas" at the park (8 replies)
  212. Narcoleptic Dachsie? (9 replies)
  213. Boo!!! Scaring Miss Rigby! (10 replies)
  214. We are going to be on TV! (23 replies)
  215. Got A Sofa Ramp (17 replies)
  216. Otto, AKA Mr. Weatherman (7 replies)
  217. We're Sooo Confused Here (16 replies)
  218. Hewp me pweeeze (15 replies)
  219. Mr. Butters' public service (13 replies)
  220. LMAO- funniest thing Rigby's ever done! (12 replies)
  221. I thought Butters went down... (19 replies)
  222. Video of doxie race (6 replies)
  223. Mama, I'm stuck! There's a needle! And other scary Rigby tales... (10 replies)
  224. update on the tiny houseguest (17 replies)
  225. man i feel old....went to the dog park (10 replies)
  226. A tiny houseguest (20 replies)
  227. Adventures in Mudder Sitting (4 replies)
  228. Hey! Was that an owl???!!! (10 replies)
  229. Pogo's really bad weekend (14 replies)
  230. mikey and swiffer...not the best of friends (11 replies)
  231. Agility weekend... (8 replies)
  232. Don't mess with Mommy! (5 replies)
  233. Bella Caught a Rabbit! (10 replies)
  234. How the heck do you........ (5 replies)
  235. Rabbit Alert! Rabbit Alert! (6 replies)
  236. Evidently The Weirdo Bug Has Migrated To MS (5 replies)
  237. Too funny Teddy.... (9 replies)
  238. Buddy May Not Be a Wiener Dog (11 replies)
  239. Our trip to the Country (4 replies)
  240. Dremmels and Ear Mites and Vets...Oh My!!! (10 replies)
  241. CAS Saga continues- anyone familiar with squirrel behavior? (10 replies)
  242. Lizard Kings (9 replies)
  243. Daddy - dis ain't funny (14 replies)
  244. I seriously dislike my very stupid neighbors (14 replies)
  245. Doxie Mind-Trick (10 replies)
  246. We've got a floater!! (Not THAT kind) (12 replies)
  247. Juney and Trixie's bad breath! (12 replies)
  248. Weirdos (10 replies)
  249. Trixie's advice on how to catch great bugs for snacks (10 replies)
  250. Morning Stroll (7 replies)