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View Full Version : Taffy thinks the yard is a salad bar

01-18-2006, 01:23 PM
Let me tell you right up front, I have no idea what grows in my back yard. There has been no chem guy pulling up in my drive to spray anything to make it luxurious. If it grows, it lives. If it seems offensive, it gets pulled out. And most of it stays. I have a yard full of some grasses, weeds, wildflowers and apparently, some very tasty plants.

I have yet to locate a "Peterman's guide to backyard weeds and growth", so I try not to let her graze to her heart's content, but she is literally eating the backyard. She digs to find the seeds that come off of the palm trees. She rips greenery from the ground and munches away....the tougher the better. She will run from you to keep from having you take it away.

This is the girl who thinks the birds are throwing seed on the floor for her dining pleasure. Anyone else have a grazing doxy?:scratch:

01-18-2006, 01:27 PM
Sorry...living in a NYC apt...no yard....BUT of course we have the very unclean city streets which can be just like a buffet. I would try and steer Taffy away from the yard grazing as much as possible as you don't know what she is eating and there ARE some plants, weeds etc. that could get her sick. JMO

01-18-2006, 01:32 PM
Here's a link on toxic and non-toxic plants (http://www.sniksnak.com/plants.html). Honestly, I don't know how helpful it is, at least for me..since I haven't a CLUE as to what 3/4 of these things are but it's a little scary to see how many toxic ones there are out there!

Maybe I'm just over protective..but I did notice acorns on the toxic list along with others. I'd just be too scared to take a chance, but that's just me I guess!

01-18-2006, 02:41 PM
Cricket loves the grass! He loves the pine cones and tree limbs and even the bark from the trees. He isn't out there long w/o us so I don't worry too much. If there is an overabundance of mushrooms in our yard, I keep an eagle eye on him so he doesn't eat any of those.

01-18-2006, 02:52 PM
Unless you have plants you know are toxic it's probably not that big of a concern. If you are worried, you could try adding a digestive enzyme to her diet. A good one is Berte's Zyme and you can get that from www.b-naturals.com.

Mama S.
01-18-2006, 02:56 PM
I've noticed my grazers trying to get to the weeds that grow on the other side of the fence. Come spring time. I'll spray like crazy but now I try and steer them clear! Maybe she's just trying to show you the way to the DLC weight loss!!!!!:rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:

01-18-2006, 11:19 PM
My dogs love leaves. LOVE them. When we give them free roam of the house, they run around cleaning up all the leaves that have fallen off plants. Crunch, crunch, crunch. We do have philodendrons in a couple of rooms (not where the dogs stay) and I am vigilant about those, but otherwise they usually get a little "salad" :rolleyes:

weird dogs.

01-19-2006, 07:51 AM
Um :scratch: IS she part Rabbit?

Just kidding :rotfl: My 2 don't eat any leaves or weeds. I guess they consider it to be healthy food and will not touch it. :rofl:

I know that when i had my Aussie sheperd she used to eat grass to help her :vomit:, but I am sure that is not the case with Taffy.

YOu could hire her out to cut ( eat) people's grass ~ Just a thought

01-20-2006, 03:47 PM
Um :scratch: IS she part Rabbit?

YOu could hire her out to cut ( eat) people's grass ~ Just a thought

I spent years trying to talk DH into getting a black sheep. I figured we could shear it in a standard poodle cut and teach it to go baaaaarrrrrrkkkkk and no one would notice the difference.....and not have to worry about the grass anymore.


But now I have Taffy, the doxy lawn mower

And she takes her eating very seriously...you don't want to get in her way.
http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d10/JacquelineBurns/7bd82c46.jpg Back away from my grass!

Laurie' s Dachshunds
01-27-2006, 09:29 PM
My babies are digging up earthworms, pulling them out of the grass & killing them, then they roll on it! Nasty! They are Very Stinky! Anybody else seen this?