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Auggie's Mom
01-25-2006, 01:00 AM
Auggie has always had a habit of eating soft paper products (toilet paper, napkins, paper towels). There was even a note about it in his surrender papers when I adopted him. Usually, it's not much of an issue. He goes for used napkins and stuff on the sidewalk, and I tell him no and pull him away. I'm careful not to leave used tissues and napkins around the house.

Lately, it's gotten bad. I came home from work the other night to find that he had somehow unrolled the toilet paper from its holder and eaten quite a bit of paper. Then, he puked four times, under the covers, IN MY BED! :shocked: Let me tell you how pleased I was to come from from work at 1:00AM only to have to do laundry before I could go to bed!:mad:

Does anyone else's pup do this? Any idea why? If I could understand the behavior, I'm hoping I can figure out how to stop it.

01-25-2006, 01:13 AM
I am sorry about the accident Aggie had.
Gigi loves tissue, napkins... I don't know how to stop it, but I do keep those away from her and sometimes I gave her a lecture why she should not eat them :rotfl:

01-25-2006, 02:20 AM
A friend of mine just had to put her dog down he ate rocks, his whole stomache was filled up to his neck. i think it was a eating disorder (Pica)

01-25-2006, 07:17 AM
Yep, I have a paper fanatic. I have had the toilet paper down and shredded too! I think they just like the taste..like kids eating paste, makes us go :confused: but they think it is yummy. Plus, it's something for them to do, shredding is fun - I think it would be the same as knitting or coloring for humans, something to do with your hands - it works on their paw eye co-ordination??

I think since Auggie has displayed an taste for paper, I would not give him access to it. Toilet paper is on our vanity so he can't reach it (unless company comes over, then I take my chances!) We are really careful with kleenex and papertowels too.

Good luck...some tummy :bigrayz: :bigrayz: :bigrayz: that Auggie feels better.

01-25-2006, 10:25 AM
Oh Casey, how awful to come home to that. And in the bed, the little monster! :bigrayz: :bigrayz: :bigrayz: :bigrayz: for Auggie's tummy. I agree, put the TP and other paper products out of his reach.

Fortunately Tasha is not a paper eater! I'm bad about leaving kleenex and napkins around....

01-25-2006, 10:49 AM
Rueben likes shredding it more than anything. Occasionally, he'll chew on it and swallow. When he was younger he was worse about unwinding the toilet paper. He would unwind a ton of it and then shred it. I just try to not give him access to it. If anyone leaves a napkin lying around - he'll get it. He likes to get into my bathroom trash can when I'm on the potty and pull something out and take off running with it. I guess of the paper he has consumed, he hasn't taken in enough of it to make him sick.

I am so sorry about the mess in your bed!! That - I know - was not fun!

What about spraying him with water whenever you see him chewing or even going after paper to chew? Maybe if he gets sprayed enough times, he'll stop it.

Mama S.
01-25-2006, 11:35 AM
me me me Holding hand up high! All my guys are paper eaters. This is why Sandi keeps reminding Jamie to babygate the bathroom if he's not going to shut the door. I woke up this morning to the wonderful site of Oscar munching on a soap box:scratch: You would think the inside of the cardbaord would be nasty tasting. He was not a happy wienie when I took it away.. My idiots will even stand in line for the cardboard tube from the TP. Oh and q-tips - they will fight for a q-tip.... SO they do not get access to the bathroom when Mom is home and the kitchen garbage has to sit up on a chair if I"m not in the same room wif da debils!!

01-25-2006, 02:30 PM
That just bites having to come home to that.

I don't have paper eaters but my CAT loves plastic. Yes you read it right plastic. She loves to eat plastic Wal-mart bags, Target bags, trash bags and then once in a while if she can't find those she'll eat paper. I've found some pretty colorful poop while cleaning out her kitty litter box. :shocked:

Laurie' s Dachshunds
01-26-2006, 06:58 PM
We all have that here. They mostly shred paper. The pups sometimes eat a little but never so much they vomit! They all love to unroll paper towels and chew the cardboard from the center. Christmas is the favorite 'cos the wrapping paper has the huge center!

01-26-2006, 07:09 PM
My two love tissue paper, toilet paper, and paper towels.

01-26-2006, 08:53 PM
You have to be fast unloading the laundry from the dryer, because Taffy will be right there, waiting to nap the dryer sheet. She then dashes away waving it over her head like a victory banner.

Last time I took it away from her I rubbed it on her, told her she smelled outdoor fresh, and to stop snatching them. Of course she listened :rotfl:

01-26-2006, 09:10 PM
*holding up hand* Me, too! We have paper shredders at our house. Scooter and Sweetums love to trash can surf and get the kleenex and cotton balls and shred them on the floor. I did try something that Mary suggested that has helped a lot. Make a paste from Alum and water and put it on the TP. They hate the puckery alum. It's cut the trash can surfing WAY down in my house. :banana:

01-27-2006, 08:45 AM
the apt. would be displayed with paper as flooring! Can't have any type of paper, whether it be TP, napkins etc within each reach. What a pain to have the TP on a Shelf to go and get so the beast doesn't steal it and shred it all over!