View Full Version : Pogo's Down -- need rayz **mini update post 20**

12-04-2008, 09:11 AM
Desperately. I am on my way to the University of Guelph. Please send oodles of rayz for my little man.

12-04-2008, 09:15 AM
OH NO!!!! Sending tons of Texas-sized :bigrayz: :bigrayz: :bigrayz: :bigrayz: :bigrayz: :bigrayz: for Pogo and :bighug:s for you (& Rafi). After Jax, I understand. Take deep breaths...keep us posted when you can. Feel free to call anytime if you need to talk!!!!

12-04-2008, 09:16 AM
DAMMM!!! Mega Uber :bigrayz: :bigrayz: :bigrayz: :bigrayz: :bigrayz: for Pogo. Keep us posted if you can!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
You can call me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'll pm my number..

12-04-2008, 09:18 AM
Oh, no, Lisa. :shocked:

Sending tons of :bigrayz: :bigrayz: :bigrayz: for the Pogo-man and :hug99: :hug99: :hug99: for you.

12-04-2008, 09:30 AM
:bigrayz: :hug99:

Keeping our fingers crossed here.

12-04-2008, 09:41 AM
:bigrayz: :bigrayz: :bigrayz: :shocked: :wtf2: Oh. My. Dog! So many friggin :bigrayz: :bigrayz: :bigrayz: for our Pogoman:hug99: :hug99: :hug99: We know you're on it but CRIPES update us soon.:bigrayz:

12-04-2008, 09:45 AM
Oh nooooo! A million :bigrayz: :bigrayz: :bigrayz: for Pogo!

Please post an update as soon as you can. :bighug: I'm so sorry Lisa.

12-04-2008, 09:49 AM
Sending tons upon tons of our magical DLC :bigrayz: :bigrayz: :bigrayz: to Pogo and a :bighug: to you and Rafi.

Please keep us updated.

12-04-2008, 09:57 AM
Oh NO!!!!!!!

Lots and and lots of :bigrayz: :bigrayz: :bigrayz: :bigrayz: .

Please keep us posted.


12-04-2008, 10:15 AM
Oh no. Poor Pogo. :( Many, many, many :rayz: :bigrayz: :rayz: :bigrayz: :rayz: :bigrayz: :rayz: :bigrayz: :rayz:

12-04-2008, 10:16 AM
:bigrayz: :bigrayz: :bigrayz: :bigrayz: for Pogo. Keep us updated

12-04-2008, 10:23 AM
Oh no - NO !!! Huge mega :bigrayz: :bigrayz: on the way and lots of :hug99: :hug99: :hug99: for you and Rafi. We will be waiting on pins and needles for a report. Hang in there mommy and daddy.....

12-04-2008, 10:28 AM
CRAP :bigrayz: :bigrayz: :bigrayz: :bigrayz: :bigrayz: :bigrayz: :hug99:

12-04-2008, 10:39 AM
I am SO sorry to hear this. Sending mega :bigrayz: :bigrayz: :bigrayz: :bigrayz: :bigrayz: :bigrayz: :bigrayz: and :hug99: :hug99: :hug99: :hug99: We will get him through this!!:hug99:

12-04-2008, 10:47 AM
Oh no! Lots of Texas sized mega :bigrayz: :bigrayz: :bigrayz: :bigrayz: :bigrayz: :bigrayz: for Pogo, you and Rafi!

Red Haired Girl
12-04-2008, 11:14 AM
:bigrayz: :bigrayz: :bigrayz: :bigrayz:

Two Red Smooth's
12-04-2008, 12:05 PM
Mega Texas :bigrayz: to Pogo and his family.

Alex's Mom
12-04-2008, 12:31 PM
Thank god for Guelph!!! Sending tons and tons and tons and then more tons of :bigrayz::bigrayz::bigrayz: for Pogo and just as many :hug99::hug99::hug99: for you and Rafi...keep us posted when you can!

12-04-2008, 12:33 PM
Thinking of you guys today, and hoping things are going well :hearts:

12-04-2008, 01:07 PM
Pogo is going in for emergency surgery today. I know there are lots more details, but I can't remember them. :sosad:

It is amazing how fast he deteriorated from 6:30 this morning to when I left him at 11:00. He can wag his tail which they said is good. And they give him 90% chance of being a-ok.

I'm a total wreck. But I'm trying to be strong and positive.

12-04-2008, 01:13 PM
:holyshp: :holyshp: :holyshp: Tons of :bigrayz: :bigrayz: :bigrayz: for Pogo!!!!!! Keep us updated!!!!! :hug99: :hug99:

12-04-2008, 01:13 PM
Pogo is going in for emergency surgery today. I know there are lots more details, but I can't remember them. :sosad:

It is amazing how fast he deteriorated from 6:30 this morning to when I left him at 11:00. He can wag his tail which they said is good. And they give him 90% chance of being a-ok.

I'm a total wreck. But I'm trying to be strong and positive.

Oh sweetie - of course you are a wreck and completely understood. We are all here pulling for him and also here to keep you sane. :hug99: :hug99: :hug99: to you and a gazillion :bigrayz: :bigrayz: :bigrayz: headed Pogo's way.

12-04-2008, 01:16 PM
Those are great odds :thumbup:. It's really good that you got him in so quickly, and it sounds he is at a place with very experienced surgeons.
I know it's still scary when it's your puppy :hearts: . We'll be waiting with you for the good news!!!

12-04-2008, 01:17 PM
Pogo is going in for emergency surgery today. I know there are lots more details, but I can't remember them. :sosad:

It is amazing how fast he deteriorated from 6:30 this morning to when I left him at 11:00. He can wag his tail which they said is good. And they give him 90% chance of being a-ok.

I'm a total wreck. But I'm trying to be strong and positive.

Those are great odd-the same ones Laika had and look how wonderfully she did!!! I am sure he will do just as well if not better. You got him in fast, he's getting the surgery he needs, he's a strong boy. We will keep you all in our thoughts and prayers!!!!!

12-04-2008, 01:28 PM
Oh no!!! Poor Pogo. Sending mega :bigrayz: :bigrayz: :bigrayz: that surgery goes well for sweet Pogo and :hug99: for worried Mom! Everything is going to be just fine and Pogo is going to be okay!

Alex's Mom
12-04-2008, 01:28 PM
Guelph is the best!!! Those are great odds, but it's really scary all the same. Of course you're a mess...who wouldn't be? Know that we're thinking of you, and sending all the bestest thoughts and prayers your way. :bigrayz::bigrayz::bigrayz: for the surgery...keep us posted! :hug99::hug99:

Mama S.
12-04-2008, 01:29 PM
Oh hell - every hair on my body stood up when I saw this.. a million :bigrayz: :bigrayz: :bigrayz: for Pogo and tons of hugs and love for you and Rafi... Lisa know that we are all pulling for him and everyone, far and wide, knows about the miracle of the DLC :bigrayz:
Deep breaths - we are here.

12-04-2008, 01:35 PM
Sending many of our DLC magical :bigrayz::rayz: :bigrayz::rayz::bigrayz: and :pray:ers for your boy. Many :hug99: for Mom and Dad.:bighug:

I've heard wonderful things about the vets at Guelph, so I know he's in good hands.

12-04-2008, 01:47 PM
That's a great update. You got him there quickly and the odds are great. Sabrina is doing amazing. She had her surgery end of July. She is even zooms, plays with her toys. So, stay positive.

12-04-2008, 01:58 PM
Oh no!!!! Thinking of you!!!

POGO:bigrayz: :bigrayz: :bigrayz: :bigrayz: :bigrayz: :bigrayz:

12-04-2008, 02:00 PM
WOAH- how did I miss this????

Super MEGA EXTREME :bigrayz: :bigrayz: :bigrayz: for our sweet POgo man.

And :hug99: :hug99: for MOm and Dad...

12-04-2008, 03:08 PM
Great update, Lisa. :cheer3: :cheer3: It sounds like you've got great surgeons and since you got him in right away I'm sure that he'll come back well. :thumbup:

Continuing to send :bigrayz: :bigrayz: :bigrayz:

12-04-2008, 03:19 PM
Oh crap! Sorry I'm late, I am soo glad he is getting the best care. Tons and tons of :bigrayz: :bigrayz: :bigrayz: for Pogo! Even more :bigrayz: :bigrayz: and :hug99: :hug99: for you and Rafi!

I'm free all evening, call and cry if you need to!

12-04-2008, 03:38 PM
:bigrayz: :bigrayz: :crossfin: :hug99: :crossfin: :hug99: :bigrayz: :bigrayz:

12-04-2008, 04:02 PM
:holyshp: I jump on here for the fist time today and see this!!!!! Good greif! Sending many gazillion :bigrayz: :bigrayz: :bigrayz: :bigrayz: :bigrayz: :bigrayz: :bigrayz: from Delaware for our boy, Pogo and tons of :hug99: :hug99: for mommy and daddy. Update when you can; you all will be in my prayers.

12-04-2008, 04:26 PM
Oh no!!!! Sending Pogo tons and tons and tons of :bigrayz: :bigrayz: :bigrayz: :bigrayz:

12-04-2008, 04:30 PM
:bigrayz: :bigrayz: :bigrayz: :bigrayz: for Pogo. Update us when you can.

12-04-2008, 04:37 PM
I've been away and just saw this post. :bigrayz: :bigrayz: :bigrayz: :bigrayz: and :hug99: :hug99: :hug99: :hug99: for you!!!!!! Keep us updated!

12-04-2008, 05:04 PM
Oh No! Tons of healing :bigrayz: :bigrayz: :bigrayz: for Pogo and lots of :hug99: for both of yall Lisa and Rafi.
Those are great chances and I dont think you could have gotten him there any sooner then yall did so Yah for that. I just KNOW he will do great!

12-04-2008, 05:19 PM
Poor Pogo :(

Was this "all of the sudden" without any prior signs at all??


12-04-2008, 05:38 PM
Poor baby. Mega :bigrayz: :bigrayz: :bigrayz: for a fast and full recovery. How did this happen?:hug99: :hug99: for you.

12-04-2008, 05:48 PM
Lots of :bigrayz: :bigrayz: :bigrayz: for Pogo. And :hug99: for his mom and dad, this has to be so scary for you both.

12-04-2008, 05:50 PM
Poor Pogo! Lots of magical rayz:bigrayz: :bigrayz: :bigrayz: :bigrayz: :bigrayz: :bigrayz: :bigrayz: and a gentle hug :bighug: for Pogo and his brudders and sisters(and mom and dad of course)

12-04-2008, 05:54 PM
OMG here are rays for the little guy.:bigrayz: :bigrayz: :bigrayz:
Hope he gets better soon.

Da Brat
12-04-2008, 05:57 PM
Oh hell.. My first time on today... :sosad: Many thoughts and :bigrayz: :bigrayz: :bigrayz: comin' your way!! :hug99: :hug99: :hug99: :hug99:

12-04-2008, 05:59 PM
Thank you all for the :bigrayz:'s it is much appreciated.

For those wondering, what happened to Pogo came as a total surprise. I'm always watching the whole crew for general health, when I hold them, I run my hand along their backs, feet, chest, ears, I'm always checking to make sure they are in good shape, even their poop to catch any hint of signs of anything.

Last night there were no signs of any problem, Pogo was even wagging he's tail before saying good night before bed time.

This morning, when I let the crew out to potty, he didn't come which was odd. I picked him up and took him outside and he peed, but was walking a bit funny, I gave him a couple of pieces of kibble and he ate them.

My Gut feeling knew what the problem was, so I let Lisa know what was going on and recommended she head over to the 24 hour E-Vet right away. I unfortunately had to leave for work, the timing is bad, since situation at work is not great and I don't want to give them any excuses.

Lisa gave me an update and confirmed what I already felt the answer would be. It was not easy being at work and leaving Lisa to do everything by herself. I'm very proud of her, she did an outstanding job, getting to the E-Vet, then going to Guelph and getting Pogo setup for surgery.

We haven't heard back from the Surgeon yet, but were optimistic that we reacted quick enough for a good recovery.

We will keep you posted as soon as we hear anything.

12-04-2008, 06:34 PM
Thanks for the update, Rafi. When Bandit went down it was the same thing. She seemed fine at bedtime and when I got up the next morning, she couldn't walk. :holyshp:

Since Lisa got him to the vet so quickly, I'm betting on a good outcome. Also, Pogo is a well cared for healthy dog which will make the recovery so much easier.

Sending :bigrayz: :bigrayz: :bigrayz: and :hug99: :hug99: :hug99:

12-04-2008, 06:38 PM
I think sometimes there is no warning when a disc ruptures suddenly. What a stressful day for you both :faint:

Sometimes I think these little long dogs really aren't engineered very well; this just happens too often :(. But I can't imagine not having doxies around.

Continued rayz :bigrayz: :bigrayz: :bigrayz:

12-04-2008, 07:14 PM
Thanks Rafi, for the excellent report. I know that you got him there in record time and that is a huge plus. We will all be waiting for the next report - big time :bigrayz: :bigrayz: :bigrayz: for Pogo and good thoughts for mom and dad - I know it has been a loooong day for both of you.

12-04-2008, 07:17 PM
Sometimes we never know the why. Do not beat youself up on this nor let Lisa do so either. You are both fantistic furkid parents.

Join DodgersList they are a great rescource. They also have yahoo chat board that is fantistic. http://www.dodgerslist.com

Always think positive and never give up. If you and Lisa are depressed aroung Pogo he can and will sense it.

A lot of us have gone through back surgery with our own, including my very own Phoenix. We all are here for you.

Lots more :bigrayz: :bigrayz: :bigrayz:

12-04-2008, 07:30 PM
Update here. (http://doxielovers.com/dlc/showthread.php?p=293984#post293984)