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View Full Version : Max is so darn independant.

02-21-2006, 02:07 PM
He's so different that Harley. Harley needs to be with me or Butch 24/7. Max on the other hand will go explore and play on his own. This morning he kept disappearing. One time I couldn't even find him. There he was laying on a blankie that was hanging over my desk chair onto the floor. :sleep004:

Max is also out little daredevil. :evilgrin0 He's already learned to run up the steps. He will also look out over the spindles of the 2nd floor down at me! (This scares the crap out of me!!! :shocked: ) He also has no fear of trying to steal treats from Harley. Harley loves his food and will growl at Max but it doesn't phase him.

I have 2 different personalities here. It's amazing.

02-21-2006, 02:24 PM
Our doxies are just like hoooman kids in this respect. No two personalities are alike.
In fact my two daughters are as different as night and day.

02-21-2006, 03:02 PM
I loved watching Buddy's personality unfold before my eyes. Its so amazing how different they can be!! Buddy and Heidi are like night and day...come to think of it the only thing they REALLY have in common is ME :rotfl: Its still amazing to me how different they can be!!!