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View Full Version : Salt related paw owie!

03-06-2006, 03:44 PM
Tasha had been licking her back left paw for the past week. We thought it was cracked paws and have been using bag balm, and they are really dry from all of the salt on the sidewalks from two recent snowstorms.

I was so busy it took me a day or two to realize something more might be wrong. Checked yesterday with a flashlight and there's a bit raw spot there. We used hydrogen peroxide spray on it to clean it, and have put triple antibiotic cream on as well.

I think I'll walk her less as its still salty out there, and she really was refusing, and stopping to lick it this morning. The wound looks better, but I'm wondering if there's anything else I should be doing. Soak it a bit in the tub? I hate to take her in to the vet as (a) last time she had a cut paw they just said to use the ointment and bag balm and (b) we still have to FIND a vet in Brooklyn.

So does anyone have experience with this sort of thing?

Alex's Mom
03-06-2006, 03:52 PM
Alex has a tendency to lick raw spots on her front paws (a stress thing, although what on earth she has to be stressed about is beyond me! :scratch: ) I usually just do what you've been doing, but I find that if I put cream on it, it encourages her to lick it off, which kind of defeats the purpose. I'd go with the bag balm, or if you can get something called Variton cream (which you have to get from a vet), use the antibiotic cream and cover it with the Variton. It's actually an anti-fungal cream for dogs, but it tastes so vile that it stops her licking in a heart beat!! she sneezes at the mere sight of the tube! :rotfl: So I use it as an "anti-lick" agent when needed. If it looking like it's healing, I wouldn't worry about the vet. Just keep an eye on it; if it starts to look infected or weepy, then a visit might be in order. Maxe used to get salt owies like that too, but she was pretty good about not licking, and I always just cleaned her feet off really well when we came it, which seemed to do the trick. Gotta love winter, no? :rotfl:

03-06-2006, 03:55 PM
I think what you are doing is great. I don't know if she will take it or not, but maybe some baby slippers while she is in the house - coat her feet in the ointment and then put a little sockie on her foot so it can penetrate.

Poor Tasha, here are some :bigrayz: :bigrayz: :bigrayz: :bigrayz: for the gorgeous little girl!

03-06-2006, 03:57 PM
Ow!! That must really hurt especially when the salt gets in it, poor thing. :hearts:

When Molly had her foot problem, after they finally took the bandage off and left it off, she had some of her foot pad missing on the bottom where it had been moist and wrapped for so long I guess and the skin just peeled off. She also rubbed a raw spot up on her leg, and I did put some ointment on that, but it didn't help much because she slurped it right off. It wasn't red or anything so I didn't bother it much. She would pick it up when walking if it bothered her. Does Tasha pick hers up? I would say just let the air dry it out and maybe wrap it up for walks so more salt doesn't irritate it? Just my suggestion, hope I helped some. Good luck, and heres some paw rays :bigrayz: :bigrayz: :bigrayz: !!

03-06-2006, 03:59 PM
I got down the e-collar this am and was thinking about it...

I do have boots for her, could put those on for walkies, and modify two of my summer socks and tape them on the back paws while the ointment soaks in. She retched a few times yesterday from licking too much ointment. Now that we have a bathtub, I think I'll wash the paws off in there after walkies.

She doesn't pick it up often, she'll just do that if salt gets in there, and I know to stop and check her paw. This am she was just stopping to lick it every 10 feet on the way home. Very sad.

03-06-2006, 04:00 PM
No advice, but Poor Tasha! I cry like a baby when I have a cut and get salt in it!

:bigrayz: :bigrayz: that her owie goes away soon.

How about baby socks on her foot? Would those stay on her?

03-06-2006, 04:05 PM
Oh the poor baby!!!!!! Lots of :bigrayz: :bigrayz: :bigrayz: that she heals soon, That salt can be a killer on their pads..

I take it Tasha will not wear boots??,,

Hope she gets better soon!!!!

03-06-2006, 04:53 PM
We have boots, but if I put them on her, she decides her feet no longer function....

Mama S.
03-06-2006, 05:03 PM
Poor Tasha! Only suggestion I can make is send her south till all that nasty white stuff is gone! She can come live wit da herd! They will truly :hearts: her! Other than that :bigrayz: that her feetsies get better!

03-06-2006, 09:06 PM
My cockers used to have problems with this in Missouri (not an issue here of course :D ). I think the way you are treating it sounds just fine; the only other thing I was going to suggest was washing her little paws after a walk to prevent further problems, but you are already doing that :)

Bella's Mom
03-07-2006, 02:49 PM
Poor little Tasha! That salt can be tough on their paws! I usually carry Bella to her poopy spot on the grass and carry her back in to avoid the salt we spread. I sure hope Tasha's little paw is healed soon! Come on Spring!!

03-10-2006, 03:49 AM
Paw Protection.... I found this on another board, perhaps it will help.

MUSHER'S SECRET - The Invisible Boot. Is an extremely dense wax-based
invisible barrier cream to protect paws. Musher's Secret forms a
breathable bond that remains very tenacious even when extremely hot or
• Protects from hot summer concrete as well as bitter cold conditions.
• Apply a thin coat on pads and between toes. Protects from salt and
chemicals and prevents icy snowballs from forming between toes.
• Prevents potential paw problems such as bruises and blisters,
cracking and abrasions.
• Allows perspiration to escape through toes.
• Use weekly or as needed. Dries in seconds, does not stain, non-toxic
and non-allergenic.
• A blend of several organic waxes carefully refined by master
waxmakers. Very safe to use.
• Can also be used for horses.
• Come in 60 or 200 grams.

03-10-2006, 11:04 AM
Thanks Patt. I actually have musher's secret...we were just lazy and didn't use it (it gets all over whomever carries her downstairs, and the apt when we get back). Bad mommy should use it next time....