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View Full Version : Greenies Smart Biscuits

03-15-2006, 08:56 PM
I will probably stir things up a bit here, but whatever- you guys are pretty cool about things, so here goes.

I have been feeding my dogs the new Greenies Smart Biscuits. I know the greenie company has a terrible reputation now because of the death of a handful of dogs, due to the fact that dogs who gulp their food can get the treat stuck in their intestines, where it does not digest.

These biscuits have teeny, tiny pieces of Greenie, about 1/4 inch big at the biggest. They provide the teeth cleaning benefits Greenies were known for and they fill the void that was in the Wienerhausen's lives since we gave up their beloved greenie treats.

Someone someplace else asked the question as to whether or not these are safe and a bunch of people responded that "it's greenie- WHY on Earth would you trust them?" which kind of makes me roll my eyes. :D I like the product, I do not think I am endangering my dogs, and I wanted to share that with you. :)

03-15-2006, 09:34 PM
Greenies are still on the market and will be so for a very long time. Dogs like people can choke on anything. As long as you are there to supervise I personally see no problem. Everyone has a choice to select whatever treats or food they feel is best for their dogs. So if you like Greenies Smart Biscuits, then by all means go for it. :)

03-15-2006, 09:49 PM
I've been pro greenie, my dogs have been enjoying them for years with no ill effects. I'm giving them those biscuits too and they love them. Going along with the crowd isn't always the thing to do when your personal experiences tell you that the popular opinion is just that, OPINION.

03-15-2006, 09:55 PM
Going along with the crowd isn't always the thing to do when your personal experiences tell you that the popular opinion is just that, OPINION.

Well, I think in this case it's a little more than just opinion. It's not opinion that dogs are dying because treats that are supposed to be digestible are, in fact, not.

That said, everyone has the right to feed their dogs what they want. If y'all are happy with it, then great. I have no problem with people feeding their dogs Greenies products.

We just stick to the durable Nylabones. They last Charlie a long time, he likes them, and I've never had a problem with them. The reason we never started with the Greenies, even though our vet sold them and we were initially interested, was that the vet tech told us they were high in calories. :dunno:

03-16-2006, 09:16 AM
The reason we never started with the Greenies, even though our vet sold them and we were initially interested, was that the vet tech told us they were high in calories. :dunno:

Thats the same reason I didn't start with them is because they were handing out samples one day at PetSmart and they said that they were not for everyday because they were high in sugar!! But the other reasons definetly kept me away from them. I too agree that dogs can choke on anything, and if you are comfortable with Greenies then great, whatever peels your banana!! :banana: I'll probally never give her a bully stick either, and we aallll know why!:yuck: :rotfl:

Mama S.
03-16-2006, 10:33 AM
You are a responsible pet owner, you watch your guys and are careful with them. If you feel comfortable in having them then by all means why not? I don't know the details behind some of the greenie stories but anything can choke a dog. We spent hundreds of dollars getting gravel out of Stinkers intestines. I had no clue in the devil that she was somehow swallowing it. Am I supposed to outlaw gravel?
It's been time and time again - watch what you give your guys and supervize their chewing! You do - so give em their treats!

03-16-2006, 11:58 AM
Every dog is different. There are tons and tons of dogs who eat greenies and they are fine, so I think as long as you supervise their treat eating, I would think that will be fine.

03-16-2006, 12:09 PM
With greenies it wasn't just a choking issue, but too large pieces getting lodged in the dog's intestines. If the biscuits are made of tiny chunks, that shouldn't be an issue. So as long as you supervise, I think its ok.

Tasha doesn't get greenies, but that's due to wheat intolerance...

03-16-2006, 12:21 PM
Well, I think in this case it's a little more than just opinion. It's not opinion that dogs are dying because treats that are supposed to be digestible are, in fact, not.

They've yet to poop out an undigested Greenie.:rotfl: It's not just building up in their guts like our parents warned us about whan swallowing bubblegum so they must be digesting something, in my opinion.:)
I didn't know about the high calorie count, though, it says on the bag it has 67 calories and now that they've seen the bag, I've got a trio of jumping doxies. Cripes. 67 doesn't seem like that many calories compared to Sonic :ashamed:
I don't see anywhere on the bag about sugar content either. The main ingredient is "crude protein" 52%, and the fat content is 4%.
People will feed their dogs whatever they want. The popularity of 'Ol Roy is a testament to that. Hasn't killed anybody, but ewww.

03-16-2006, 01:23 PM
They provide the teeth cleaning benefits Greenies were known for

Well, you are definitely right that if the treat works for you and your doggies it's fine to feed, but I just have to say that Greenies have no teeth cleaning benefits! I know that is the claim, but I really just don't believe it.

Greenies ingredients:

Processed wheat gluten (wheat protein), glycerin, natural flavor, powdered cellulose fiber, monosodium phosphate, monoglycerides of edible fatty acid, magnesium stearate and chlorophyll.

Teeth are cleaned from brushing, scrubbing, etc not really from wheat gluten. Maybe it seems like I'm being a smartass here but I'm not trying to be. IMO Greenies are doggie junk food, fine as a treat once in a while, sure, but given all the time would have the same effect junk food does on humans. Not to mention wheat gluten is a very common allergen.

03-16-2006, 04:45 PM
I'd bet money that Ol Roy has killed a lot of dogs. It's full of nasty, carcinogenic, crap. Yuck!

I agree with Courtney about the Greenies... I don't think they're that beneficial. Emma had one or two as a puppy, but she ate them so fast, it scared me. I've offered one to Teenie, but she refused to eat it;) She said she wanted a real bone, LOL.

Bella's Mom
03-17-2006, 06:31 PM
I say whatever works for our puppers. They're all different and like different things. :)

03-18-2006, 12:12 PM
and good points on both sides. That really helps all of us to make decisions, by reading all the experiences and arguments that others make on here (instead of having to rely just on advertising).:cheer2:

I don't know about teeth cleaning, but I do remember the Greenies having a nice breath-freshening effect when my two ate them as puppies :kiss: I know you supervise your pups closely, Tracy, so they will do fine and probably enjoy these treats.

Mine like their Old Mother Hubbard mini bones :)

03-18-2006, 01:46 PM
I'd bet money that Ol Roy has killed a lot of dogs. It's full of nasty, carcinogenic, crap. Yuck!

I'm boycotting Wal Mart, at least the one by my house. That store peeved me immensely and got on my last nerve when they've got 30 flippin checkouts and only 4 open with 30 people in the "express" lane. Frickin Wal Mart and their sorry azz made in China crap. :mad: Wouldn't surprize me if Ol Roy was Solyent Green...actually made of OL ROY:shocked:

03-19-2006, 02:26 AM
i agree that anything really can choke a dog, but since both of my puppers ate them so fast, i stopped getting them after reading about some of the deaths the greenies supposedly caused

i understand about the walmart frustrations - we have one not far from here and have the same problem - gazillions of check out stands, but only a handful of checkers - or should i say - human bodies standing in front of check out stands - surely walmart execs have heard these complaints??? why won't they do anything about it???