View Full Version : I REALLY love my bed....

03-08-2011, 04:38 PM
so much I ate it.... (plus I ate the other one mommy bought me too..)

Harley, eating her bed...



The other one was just as demolished. I have green fuzz all over my house. This one she already had and I brought it back out after we washed it cause it STANK! We need an indestructible Harley bed.... LOL! And toys.. she is a chewmonster!

03-08-2011, 04:47 PM
Now Amy you just stop that right this minute. LOOK at that sweet face. She could NEBBER do anything bad or even remotely naughty, and shame on you for saying she did. What? What's that? A little piece of green stuffing hanging out the side of her mouth? :rotfl::rotfl::rotfl:

She wuz FRAMED I tells ya!!

03-08-2011, 04:49 PM

(Also, I think she was framed. Evidence was planted. Crooked cops. :rotfl:)

03-08-2011, 05:15 PM
(Also, I think she was framed. Evidence was planted. Crooked cops. :rotfl:)

OBVIOUSLY!!! No way that sweet face could be so destructive!! :angel:

03-08-2011, 05:56 PM
The bed seems to be pooping green fluff so I's putting it back real nice like.
Seems reasonable to me. :duh:
What a darling wittle face too. Angelic. :hearts:

03-08-2011, 06:54 PM
Its not her fault!! There is a bed destroying gnome that travels from home to home with dachshund puppies and eats their beds!

Well, this is what I choose to believe because there is no way something so cute can do that much damage!

03-09-2011, 10:55 AM
Too Cute theres no way she did that! :rolleyes:

We went through many beds and toys when Rusty was a pup. He appreciates them now. But once in a while, out of the blue, a toy just has to die.

03-09-2011, 10:58 AM
I have only had Buddy Ray for 2 months now but I have seen more stuffing and sewn more toys back up than I have done in the previous 30+ years of being a dog owner. But they are so darn cute you can only laugh and get out the needle and thread (or maybe in your case, the waste basket?)!

03-09-2011, 11:08 AM
I had to end up buying expensive KONG beds to stop the chewing.

Mama S.
03-13-2011, 08:24 PM
Miss Doxie (http://www.facebook.com/missdoxie?ref=ts) is headed your way. She is a lawyer - she will be joining Miss Kerie who is another lawyer. Together they will prove your innocence!!