View Full Version : Gigi pics

03-26-2006, 01:27 PM
So Gigi was sick yesterday (she is doing good so far. no puke. ate a little bit of food, will feed her more in 2 hours if those food stay down.), so I have to watch her like a hawk to avoid any further carpet-scrubbing or laundry and I took a few shots.

This was right after we came home from the park, she has to sit in the little mat so she can enjoy the sun. She had thrown up at least like 4 times then.

Not feeling good makes you want to nap... so here is little Gi all curled up on my lap taking a nap.

At least she still have desire for MY food, so it's not *that* bad. :p

Thanks for all the rays. She is much better today. I will keep an eye on her just to be super sure that she is fine.

03-26-2006, 02:35 PM
Just as photogenic as ever! Well, it is true that a dachshund that is tired or not feeling that great is easier to take pictures of because it doesn't move around as much! :lol:

Glad she is doing better... a few more rayz :rayz::bigrayz: :rayz::bigrayz:

03-26-2006, 03:02 PM
Cute pics, even when she is sicky!! :hearts:

03-26-2006, 03:55 PM
So glad she is feeling better! She sure is as cute as ever :)

Mama S.
03-26-2006, 05:08 PM
GiGi isn't it nice of Mama to share her lap wif you when you don't feel good?! What a sweetie you are!!

03-26-2006, 06:22 PM
Ggi loves to be dressed p, doesn't she? I love her outfits. Mine turn into statues and wouldn't move!

03-26-2006, 07:08 PM
Glad to hear my DIL is on the mend!!!!!

03-27-2006, 03:01 PM
She is such a cutie~even when she's sick. I'm glad to hear she's feeling better.

03-27-2006, 03:02 PM
Very pretty GiGi-love the color of her T-shirt.

03-27-2006, 03:46 PM
Even when sick, Gigi dresses well and looks so cute!

Is she feeling any better today?

03-27-2006, 04:30 PM
No puke since the visit from the vet (:cheer2: ). She has been eating the I/D canned food. She seems to like it and I was able to "hide" her pill in the food. :relieved: She has been doing good. I made her rest yesterday as well. We went out and got me lunch. She isn't too into playing anyway, so I can't really tell how well she is doing. But she begs like crazy when I was having lunch. :rotfl: So she must be feeling pretty good. :)

03-27-2006, 05:57 PM
Beautiful Gigi! :hearts: :hearts: Definitely one of the most photogenic dogs on DLC!

03-27-2006, 10:14 PM
GIGI PIX!! MY FAVORITE!! poor little girl! even not feeling well, she still looks beautiful!

03-28-2006, 04:42 AM
I'm glad Gigi is feeling better, she is such a pretty girl. :muchlove:

Bella's Mom
03-28-2006, 03:10 PM
Poor Gigi! I hope she is feeling better. Even sick she takes a great pic! :angel7: