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03-30-2006, 06:36 PM
Ok, I don't think it's a great story, but funny... sort of. Yesterday Gigi's favorite person--her godmom came and visit. First of all the phone ring, it's from the call box. Gigi was all excited... whenever the phone ring she associated it to someone is visiting HER. Ok, so I had to carry her so she won't bolt out the door. And she was using her FULL STRENGTH trying to push, kick, scretch... just to be on the floor, I almost dropped her... And she started jumping up and down and godmom is in the house. To top it off she piddled on the floor. lol. God mom is the only one so far to make Gigi peed on the floor. ha. Ok after the "saying hi", we started playing ball... it's just 2 human sitting across from each other and rolling the ball, so Gi would try to get it. And all of a sudden, Miss Gig would stop in the middle, turned around and start licking her butt. I thought it's funny. :p She is the silliest. And when her highness is done, then she will resume the game. Me think she need a butt squeeze at her groomer. heh heh.

03-30-2006, 07:01 PM
Awww the little Diva. Sounds like she does need her anal glads drained. Glad she had fun - Pogo pees when my dad comes over too - My dad is Pogo's favorite person.

Mama S.
03-30-2006, 07:59 PM
How funny!!!! Miss GiGi just showin how much her wuv her godmom!!

03-31-2006, 11:06 AM
Ah that sounds familiar. Tasha is a submissive pee-er, so guests in the apt=pee on the floor. And yes, then she'll stop and lick her girl bits or her butt. :shocked:

Glad Gi had fun with her godmom!

03-31-2006, 11:37 AM
To me, the funny part of the story is two grown people on the floor playing keep away w/Gi! No wonder she is a DIVA - the visit ARE all about her! Gotta love her!

Bella's Mom
03-31-2006, 07:25 PM
Gigi is a little diva! Like most of our puppers, all eyes must be on her! :angel7: