View Full Version : What is your Pups special talent?

Red Haired Girl
04-03-2006, 08:54 PM
I'm not talking about things they have been specifically trained to do - like not pee in the house - but something that they do, just because they can.

Mitch takes lids off of jars, jugs, bottles and cans. Anything with a screw on lid that he can get his jaws around, the lid is coming off. He doesn't chew them off, he holds the bottle or whatever with his paws and twists himself around till the lid comes off. He waits for you put it back on then he takes it off again. If I had a video camera I'd show you. We can't put a milk jug down by the trash bin that he doesn't steal it and hide it.

He never did this until about 2-3 months ago. Strange little guy.

04-03-2006, 08:58 PM
Pippit can do yoga(he always naturally did this and I just started saying "do yoga") he can also take the cover off of this metal cannister where his Grammy keeps the treats at her house. And~again with the cannister of treats. When Grammy says, "Do you want a cookie Pippit?" He stands on his hind legs and picks ONE treat out of the cannister! I think that's more of him training Grammy! :rotfl:

04-03-2006, 09:01 PM
Grrt's special talent is removing paint off the walls from her farts tonight.

Otto uses mind control to make me feed him treats, and that sitting on his butt forever thing he does to get my attention.

Austin will poke things with his nose to see what it'll do. I think it's something he's compensating for from the loss of his eye. He also makes monkey noises.

Dolly can bark with things in her mouth.

Buddy, my big dog, has stealth mode. He can counter surf without raising any alarms.

Red Haired Girl
04-03-2006, 09:05 PM
Grrt's special talent is removing paint off the walls from her farts tonight.

Good Lord! :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:

04-03-2006, 09:14 PM
Pixel's natural talent is talking. He doesn't shut up, I know I bug Pix about being so vocal, but he does communicate really effectively. He uses different tones and pitches depending on what he wants.

If sleeping and eating are talents...Pogo is the most talented puppy on the planet.

04-03-2006, 09:48 PM
Mitzi is a self taught top of the line sit up and pump her little legs as fast as she can begger.

Dudley is my "slow" boy. Let's see he can talk. When he starts I "talk" back to him and we have a conversation that only he can understand. :scratch:

04-03-2006, 10:04 PM
Michelangelo can howl on command....if i howl he howls....sometimes it sounds more like a moo...

he is also the sole protector from the evil vaccum and the leaf that fell from a tree 3 miles from home....

Alex's Mom
04-04-2006, 06:16 AM
Alex is the canine can opener...she eats i/d cuz of her tummy issues, and if you leave her alone with a tin (which I made the mistake of doing in the car one day) she will actually gnaw it open and dig in. Not good for teeth, or her mother's heart!

04-04-2006, 07:28 AM
I'm not talking about things they have been specifically trained to do - like not pee in the house

Well, that leaves me out of the little blog!! :rotfl: Actually, the only thing Molly can do is that cute little prairy dog postion and sleep.

Laurie' s Dachshunds
04-04-2006, 12:18 PM
Shadow is the talker. He can tell you what he wants & he also does sign language with his body if he wants you to let him out or take you into another room. He can use his nose to do lots of stuff too.

Reesee is the watch dog, she can use her nose to peek thru the mini blinds. She is also self taught fetch & returns anything she brings to you if you throw it. She always brings toys or other things & pushes it into my lap.
Her newest trick (also self taught) is to drop the ball over the baby gate if
I' m in the other room. I am thinking of getting her a basketball hoop to see if she' ll put it in there.

Sassy Baby & Lil' Smokey can open or tear into anything to get food! They also use the step stool to climb, my mom left it out one day when she came by & they pushed it to the baby gate to climb over! I' m sure that they will learn alot more soon 'cos they' re only 6mos. old now!

Bella's Mom
04-04-2006, 02:07 PM
Bella can box! You tell her "let's box" and she'll start batting at the air! It is so cute! :rotfl:

04-04-2006, 02:25 PM
Well, for Princess her special talent is
Stop DROP and Roll over for a belly rub!!!, She has been doing this since she was a wee one, and we never taught her to do this, she is just crazy about getting da bewwy wub!!!

She will run in front of you as you are walking in the house, and STOP DROP and Roll and she will do this just about anywhere even if it means falling off the couch :rotfl: :rotfl:

I have to think about Heidi, other than chasing the ball and her tail, not sure what her special talent is,,

04-04-2006, 02:49 PM
Cricket can find the one spot on the floor that has food on it. Oh, and he can find the one spot on the floor that isn't cold - then park his butt there. This is usually on our shoes.

My FIL thinks he's a genius because he will wrap himself in his blankets. I try to tell him it's a doxie thing....he just doesn't understand....

oh...oh...he can also pee on you.....with the touch of your hand he gives you the golden shower...it's amazing sometimes ........ ;)

04-04-2006, 11:56 PM
Buddy Dances. He LOVES to dance. If I have some groovey tunes on, and say "BUddy, shake yer bootie," he goes balistic shaking his tushie and going in circles. He seems to be able to go right w/ the beat of the song too!! Heidi doesn't really have a hidden talent other than her impersiations. She does an awesome Chew Bacca from Star Wars, the Cadburry Bunny, and on occasion she could pass for a Yoda look alike.

04-05-2006, 12:11 AM
Well lets see.....Jen-Jen talents in imitating a teen-ager (she thinks she's human, dogs are beneath her) she can give serious attitude. She also can do what we call the "lowrider hop" it starts in fast and then slow motion like those hydrolic cars....she does it when it's time to go to work and when it's time to leave work. Cami is a paperaholic...if there is paper of any kind she will find it and tear it to shreds.... thank god my kids are too old to have homework. Oh and two of my girls can eat a sunflower seed or peanut and spit out the shell!!! Hans taught them that....good ol Hanzer....:banana: :banana:

04-05-2006, 08:10 AM
Bella can box! You tell her "let's box" and she'll start batting at the air! It is so cute! :rotfl:

Hmmmm.. I think we need some video of that!! :please: :hearts:

04-05-2006, 12:31 PM
Otto uses mind control to make me feed him treats, and that sitting on his butt forever thing he does to get my attention.

... that would be Angel. She also uses mind control to get me to pet her (a form of hypnosis where she stares unblinkingly at me with her big shiny eyes). She will alternate between the two methods, or sometimes use them together for added benefit.

Austin will poke things with his nose to see what it'll do.
He also makes monkey noises.

... and that would be Cassie. She usually pokes people, although I have seen her poke inanimate objects before. She will get behind you if you are standing in front of the couch or chair and poke you in the rear end.

One time Angel was sitting up in the prairie dog pose trying valiantly to get someone's attention, and Cassie poked her and she fell over. I don't remember laughing that hard in a while :lol:

04-05-2006, 12:38 PM
Tasha is Queen of the STARE. She can stare at me for 10-20 min straight if she doesn't get a post supper chewy. :rolleyes:

Can't think of any other special talents other than being darned cute!

Bella's Mom
04-05-2006, 01:49 PM
Hmmmm.. I think we need some video of that!! :please: :hearts:
That's actually a good idea! I can send it to he funniest home video show and make some $$$! Just kidding. It would be fun to get it on tape! :rotfl:

04-05-2006, 04:49 PM
uh. When the home phone ring she will start barking and pace around the front door. Because our phone is linked to the callbox at the front door and she somehow associated when the phone ring, someone is coming to visit HER!

04-06-2006, 02:44 PM
I love reading all about what your puppers can do.

Dolly can snarf up her dinner in 3 seconds flat. She can roll over on command. Also, Miss Dolly Dollikers is great at telling us who or what is at the back door. Of course, once she gets us to L@@K, she sneaks off and helps herself to the table and anything on it. She also has this cute habit of grunting like a pig when you smooch on her.

Madison is my talker and singer and squealer. She and I have regular conversation in Madderese. I do sometimes say the wrong thing that pitches her into a yowl. Papa cannot....absolutely CANNOT sing around the Madderoo. She screams everytime he sings to her. Mommy can sing, but not papa.