View Full Version : Miller Update Nov 2013

11-16-2013, 02:32 PM
I haven't updated on how Miller is doing for a while so I thought I should. He's been doing pretty well. Still partially blind and deaf, of course, but handling it better and better. He used to run into things occasionally but I haven't seen him do that in a while. We are having problems with EIPJ. He's never been a really well house trained dog :rolleyes: but lately he's been worse. I've seen him walking in circles and acting agitated but like he's not sure what to do. So now when I see him do that, I take him outside. Also, every couple hours on weekends we go out. Whenever I come home, out he goes and before bed. I think it's working, although I did find a suspicious spot on my newly cleaned rug in the living room that I have to check out today. I haven't put the steam cleaner up yet and may have to use it again :rolleyes:

He's still a bit weak in his rear legs sometimes and it's hard for him to get up the ramp. Mostly I let him try on his own though. I feel like if he doesn't try to use them, they'll just get weaker. If he can't make it, then I pick him up and put him on the bed or couch. And he's gotten really spoiled about being carried downstairs at night. I got tired of waiting in the kitchen for him to come downstairs and went up and carried him down a couple nights. That was all it took! Now he just lays on the couch and waits for me to come up and carry him down :rolleyes:

All in all, he's doing pretty well. He's adjusting and seems happy. I see a lot of "hula tail" so that's always a good sign. :cheer3::cheer3:

Alex's Mom
11-16-2013, 04:19 PM
I love this update...a lot!!!! Same thing here, but James is no longer allowed to use Mt. Everest...his back end and shoulders are just too weak. Lovin' these old guy!! :love98::hug99::love98: :hug99::love98:

11-16-2013, 05:41 PM
I love my old dudes, too :love98::love98: