View Full Version : 6 months!

05-06-2014, 12:53 PM
Just wanted to share some good news. Today we are 6 months seizure free with Theo!!! So thrilled! :cheer3: Also talked to the neurologist today, we are stopping the Tramadol tomorrow, and the steroids Sunday..He will continue on the Gabapentin and slowly come off them as well. He is doing really well, no more wobble when he walks and passes the toe test with flying colors (both feet)!!! :cheer3: Will be one month on Friday, half way there! He is loosing a bit of muscle in his back legs, so I am to start some physio exercises with him today. Please send some more of those :bigrayz: that he continues to do so well.

05-06-2014, 01:39 PM
Yippee! That's exceedingly good news for Theo. Sending lotsa healthy rayz for further goodness. :bigrayz::bigrayz::bigrayz::bigrayz:

05-06-2014, 01:39 PM
thrilled to hear about the 6 months of no seizures. I've never had a dog with them, but I did have ha half uncle who was severely epileptic and as scary as seizures are to watch, I can't imagine how much MORE scary they are to have happen to your own body!

Glad he's the model patient on crate rest, too. Flying Wombat Dog (thanks, Gina...) would NOT be a good patient!

05-06-2014, 02:38 PM
:cheer3::cheer3::cheer3: On the 6 months with no seizures! And on how well Theo is doing with his crate rest and back issues. You're both doing great! :hug99::hug99:

05-06-2014, 05:09 PM
That is a wonderful update! :cheer3: :cheer3:

05-06-2014, 07:15 PM
Awesome news! Don't worry too much about the muscle loss. Once they are mobile again, it comes back pretty quickly. So glad he's doing so well. My Lexie had seizures, too. They can be scary. More recovery :bigrayz::bigrayz::bigrayz:

Alex's Mom
05-07-2014, 04:28 AM
What an excellent update!!!! Sending tons more :bigrayz::bigrayz::bigrayz: and :hug99::hug99::hug99:.

05-07-2014, 12:29 PM
Wonderful update!!! :cheer3::cheer3::cheer3: