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View Full Version : Dog influenza!!

05-02-2006, 03:10 PM
:angel7: :pray: :sosad:
I saw last night on the Cheyenne,WY news that an outbreak of dog influenza has hit the Cheyenne Animal Shelter. Four dogs have died from it, at the shelter,since Saturday. If they can't find some solution by tomorrow, all of the dogs at the shelter will be euthanized!!!!:sosad: They are:pray: that an outbreak doesn't hit all of Cheyenne, and spread throughout Wyo. The shelter is open to any ideas before tomorrow comes. Their telephone # is 307-636-6655 if anyone one has a solution other than putting all those poor dogs to sleep.

05-02-2006, 03:50 PM
OMG, that is so sad,,, is dog influenza that deadly that the dogs have to be put down!!!!!, Can't it just be treated with meds??, I know Parvo and Distemper and stuff like that is very deadly, but I had no idea dog flu was so deadly that they can't just treat it.. YIKES!!!!
Lots of rays for the shelter in a solution!! :bigrayz: :bigrayz: :bigrayz: :bigrayz: :bigrayz:

05-02-2006, 04:01 PM
It probably can be treated, but most shelters don't treat the animals. If they get sick, they're put down. Most of them don't have the facilities or the resources to treat major illnesses. :sosad:

05-02-2006, 04:48 PM
It probably can be treated, but most shelters don't treat the animals. If they get sick, they're put down. Most of them don't have the facilities or the resources to treat major illnesses. :sosad:

OHhhhh,, This is so so sad,,,,,:sosad: :sosad: :sosad: :sosad:

05-02-2006, 05:43 PM
OMG!!! that is awful! I've never heard of that before.

05-02-2006, 07:26 PM
I've learned through working with a couple of animal non-profits here that the county shelter does not treat sick animals. It's :sosad: When we're doing adoption days, if we suspect a dog has a cold etc, we try really hard to get them adopted because if we send them back to the shelter and they get worse they'll probably be PTS. :shocked:

Laurie' s Dachshunds
05-02-2006, 08:38 PM
OMG!!! that is awful! I've never heard of that before.

Me either, it sounds terrible!

05-02-2006, 10:53 PM
My hubby said that using Doxicycline and Clindamiacin together at the same time has worked well with the Canine Influenza. I think it can even be used profolactically to ward it off. Doxicycline can ruin a young doggies teeth as far as staining and such and is not usually used on puppies, but I would rather have stained teeth than dead dogs. I wouldn't think it would be out of this world to purchase the antibiotics to use on dogs not showing symptoms in hopes of saving them. JMO

05-02-2006, 11:26 PM
Are you talking about this for individuals or for the shelter? For individuals, it would probably be well within most people's means, but for a shelter to purchase antibiotics for hundreds of animals would definitely not be feasible.

05-03-2006, 09:10 AM
You would like to think that there's a clinic or drug manufacture out there with enough compassion to donate some meds to the shelter. I need more :tissue: to keep up with this thread.....

05-03-2006, 02:08 PM
As of last night's news cast, 60-70 dogs will be put down today.:sosad: I would have thought maybe some of the vet clinics in Cheyenne would have helped the shelter out, or even some of the local citizens that have the means to donate money for the drugs. According to the vet at the shelter, this strain of flu hit fast and hard. Symtems are kennel like coughing to start with, then the dog runs a very high temp. He attempted to treat several animals, but all of them passed away.:angel7: I haven't heard anything more as of today.