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View Full Version : They Keep Encouraging Otto

05-09-2006, 11:00 PM
Beautiful day here in VA, so off to the park after a loooong abscence. It's the usual, with Grrrt demanding to be held, Otto officiating over any unsociable behaviors and Austin just trotting around and peeing on everything (at least no people caught in the line of fire this time).

Whenever a dog comes in, regardless of the size, Otto runs over to them, announces who he is and they respect his authority. I'm wishing he'd be a little more playful with the other little dogs there, but he's too busy giving them heck for playing too roughly for his taste. The big dogs try to give him a friendly butt sniff, the universal 'doggie handshake' and he might tolerate it from dogs he knows. German Shepherds, Wiemeraners, Rotties and huge labs have all tried to challenge Otto in his kingdom, and he has sent them running with tails tucked.

Today, we add to the list of breeds that Otto dominates: Giant Dobermans.
The dog was wonderfully friendly, a big solid mass of muscles. He bent down to give Otto the greeting, and Otto sent him running. I was so embarassed, but everyone laughed and laughed, just encouraging him all the more. He chases after the dobie and then sprints back to get me to put Grrrt down and pick him up, with Austin barking his encouragement.

It's tough to be King.

05-10-2006, 02:36 AM
I love your description of a day at the dog park. :appl: Otto is so :cool: struttin his stuff. :)
Hail to the King. :bow:

05-10-2006, 07:19 AM
Andrea, your Otto advertures always make me :D

All hail the King Otto!!:bow1: :bow1: :bow1: :bow1: :bow1: :bow1: :bow1:

05-10-2006, 07:27 AM
I think Otto should hook up with Laika. Queen of the Universe and King of all He Surveys. No Big Dogs allowed and NO Rowdy Playing (unless instigated by Her Highness Herself)

05-10-2006, 07:30 AM
That would be so funny to get on video tape. I would love to see Otto keeping everyone in line!!!!!

Mama S.
05-10-2006, 10:21 AM
WHAT? Is there a problem with that? :scratch: :rotfl:After all, he is da boss!!

05-10-2006, 10:40 AM
I sooooo understand this. It is nearly impossible to teach my gang any manners because when guest come over to the house they encourages their naughty behavior. :faint:

05-10-2006, 11:07 AM
I think Otto should hook up with Laika. Queen of the Universe and King of all He Surveys. No Big Dogs allowed and NO Rowdy Playing (unless instigated by Her Highness Herself)

With Laika humping the cat (Bob:hearts: )and Otto humping my big dog Buddy, we could split the prize winnings from America's funniest Home videos:rotfl:

05-10-2006, 11:35 AM
That is too funny! Video tape would of been cool!

Bella's Mom
05-10-2006, 02:10 PM
Otto makes sure they all know who's in charge! Funny story!

05-10-2006, 02:30 PM
All Hail :bow: King Otto! :bow2:

You are not permitted to smell my butt unless you have my permission! :rotfl:

I just :love5: your descriptive stories Andrea! :lol:

05-10-2006, 03:18 PM
With Laika humping the cat (Bob:hearts: )and Otto humping my big dog Buddy, we could split the prize winnings from America's funniest Home videos:rotfl:

I think it's a great idea...or is it too riske for primetime??

05-10-2006, 05:12 PM
I can't wait to meet the guy. You will have to bring him over and he and Cricket can terrorize the bigger dogs in my 'hood. Who will be taking over his turf when he leaves?

05-10-2006, 10:28 PM
I don't know who will rule the park after we move:scratch: No one is adored by the throngs the way Otto is, except Bruno the little black mop dog. But Bruno is no King. He's more of a jester. Otto makes the rounds, barking and sitting in front of the people until they acknowledge his greatness and pet him, and due to his height all people kneel before the King, fueling the legend.
Today, we went and he chased an unneutered white pit bull and a big white German Pointer, and then DEMANDS to be held on my lap with Grrrt, barking at the dogs as they come in:rolleyes:
He seems a little deflated when he meets other Dachshunds; it's as if he hates being confronted by the existance of other dogs that are as cute as he is. Grrt and Austin are 'different' so he's still King around them.
Mayby my big dog Buddy can convince Cricket how wonderful big dogs are:hearts: He lets Otto tackle him and hump him like crazy.

05-15-2006, 01:00 PM
Oh my, yes, Otto is a king! Love that doxie 'tude! :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: