View Full Version : Gigi's "adventure"

05-11-2006, 01:20 PM
Well, I am not so sure whether it's a good thing. haha.

Me and Gi were invited to a friends house. They are my coworker from my last job. We can all bring our "kids". So I am bringing the Gi. They all know Gi as I have brought her in to work numerous times. My friend has a cockertiel and 3 cats. Gigi has been her place before when she was young, the cats keep a good distance away from her. :)

So we all arrive at the same time. I let go of the leash when she walked in as the house owner's hubby was waiting for Gi's arrival so he can tape his cats' reaction :scratch: . Gi immediately went inside and we HEARD THE BIRD. The bird is ok, but Gi plucked a few of the wing feathers out. I felt so bad. And then she started chasing the cats... 2 of them sat up high to avoid this little monster... but the other one was just chased by Gigi and finally he had enough and hissed at Gigi. It was pretty funny for us human to watch. So the rest of the evening, the cat who got chased was underneath the bed (and won't come out) and the other 2 were either in the room or high up away from Gigi and the bird is safely in the cage. And whenever Gi saw them she would bark at them. And Gigi keep trying to get into the room to "visit" them. She also loooooooooooves the son of my other coworker because he keep sharing his food with her. And of course she begged the whole time while we were eating pizza. It was a fun and very exhausted nite for me. haha. (I still have a headache from that)

05-11-2006, 02:02 PM
Awww the poor bird. Gi would probably be a natural at Earth Dog! Sounds like she has a high prey drive.

05-11-2006, 02:57 PM
It sounds like Gigi did view them as "prey" rather than buddies. :shocked: Cash is like that I always watch him around any critters (even dogs) that are small. I'm sure he sees them as prey.

05-11-2006, 03:53 PM
None of the critters at my friend's house like Gigi now. lol. She doesn't care about other dogs, only to birds and cats. She did try a earth dog simulation type of exercise, she is pretty good at it. But I don't have any other $$$ for her to take any additional classes. We will just do agility for now.

05-11-2006, 07:04 PM
Laika's just INSANE when it comes to people's cats. She's ok with ours...well...she doesn't HURT him. At my sister's house she kept repeatedly coming and getting us and "showing" us the garage door (cats were staying in the garage) and beg to be let in there, and if my sister would carry them through the house to the sun porch for some fresh air and exercise, Laika would start SCREAMING and trying to leap up and get them. It was kinda embarrassing.
And she's so darn GLEEFUL about the whole thing...

05-11-2006, 07:05 PM
Forgot to say I LOVE your new signature photo, Jenfer!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

05-15-2006, 12:58 PM
Oh my, glad the bird was ok! Naughty Gi. The kitties can take care of themselves but not the birds. I can see why you had a headache!

05-16-2006, 09:02 AM
Dachshund takes on bird and two cats to defend hooman.......story at 9. I can just see the news headlines now.....