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View Full Version : Want Puppies????

05-25-2006, 09:27 AM
This is a very important post for all those that think they want to breed thier Doxies!!! This is only one story....there are many more! Thank God her Gracie made it. Before you breed, are you prepared for something like this???? or worse????
Please spay and neuter your pets and leave the breeding to professionals....
No Dog should ever have to go through this experience....:sosad:

05-25-2006, 09:45 AM
If the link doesn't work...here is the story

Gracie had her puppy but had to have it by C-Section it was actually a blessing we did it that way because in doing so the vet found problems with her uterius it was smaller then normal and could have ruptured! She had one puppy a little girl we named Ella, however she died shortly after birth I am trying to deal with this and its not going good. The only thing thats helping me is that Gracie did'nt die in the process, unfourtunetly because of her uterious we had to get her spayed.......and this hurt badly because we made the decission before the puppy died and I thought at least we have Ella. So she is able to be a mom once, but it wasnt to be. Prayers for Gracie and Doc ( the daddy) would be helpful. After the puppy died she was still nuzzeling it and trying to get it to move then she started whining.


05-25-2006, 11:49 AM
Thanks for posting this.

I feel badly for what they went through, mainly just for Gracie. I hope it stops a few people thinking about breeding their pet because they are sweet or cute. Especially folks who breed because they can't afford to adopt, so they "make a dog". There are just so many that need homes and not breeding one dog will not make dachshunds extinct. I obviously am not talking about the handful of responsible, dilligent breeders but the word does not need another heartbreak like Gracie.

My SIL regrets not breeding her Brittany because "she would have been a good mother" based on how she interacted with Ollie when he was little. Thankfully she was spayed young, but obviously SIL forgot her dog's leaky heart valve to even let the wish cross her mind. From the aspect of passing it down and to risking the dog's life in pupbirth.

Bella's Mom
05-25-2006, 01:35 PM
That is very sad. People need to be aware of the dangers and the reason why not to breed their pets. Leave it to the professionals who are well educated and well prepared.