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06-13-2006, 10:26 AM
Just reading over the summary of Tyronne from his stay at the shelter...not only did they say he was unadoptable...which floors me to no end, because this is one of the nicest dogs I have ever met in my life!! But more about that later...they said he has whale eyes and elepahnt hocks? What the heck does that mean?


06-13-2006, 10:27 AM
:scratch: Ya got me? Can you call the shelter and ask? I would really love to know what that means.

06-13-2006, 10:33 AM
I'm stumped. Maybe whale eyes means they look sad. It always seems to me that whales look very intelligent but sad!:scratch:

06-13-2006, 10:35 AM
Sounds to me like the shelter thinks of him as "bug eyed" and having a "big rump" maybe??? Just a guess......

06-13-2006, 10:41 AM
he has whale eyes and elepahnt hocks? What the heck does that mean? Laura

Hmmmmm :scratch: Sad eyes and Big Feet? :dunno:
Would love to hear an answer! :confused:

06-13-2006, 11:05 AM
From a google search..

Another thing to look for is "whale eye". Whale eye is when you can see the whites of a dog’s eyes repeatedly or constantly. A relaxed dog will move her whole head to look at something. A frightened dog will widen his eyes and hold his body more stiffly. The result is that he looks at things out of the corner of his eyes and you can observe the whites more readily.

No idea on elephant hocks!!!

06-13-2006, 11:28 AM
Unadoptable? I don't get it. And yes, scared eyes in a shelter, you bet! :duh:

I guess the only think super friendly dogs are adoptable??

06-13-2006, 11:31 AM
Whale eyes & elephant hocks? What in the he$$ is that? Whoever did the write up didn’t know what they were talking about. Elephants do not have hocks! I guess they could be referring to those beautiful little wrinkles on his knees. I think Tyrone has beautiful, soulful eyes, I can't imagine him being un-adoptable. :faint: Hopefully whoever wrote that summary is now cleaning kennels.

06-13-2006, 11:44 AM
Hahaha! Elephants don't have hocks - I guess that is true!

They may not have based that "unadoptable" comment on his personality and his personality may have been very different in the shelter. Often dachshunds are terrified and act nippy and you get them out and they are just fine. Also, if he is older, or had any sort of health issues, or shy, he would not be adoptable from a shelter and thus marked "unadoptable." Only the young, pretty, healthy, happy ones make it out of kill shelters, usually. Some lucky others like Tyrone make it to rescue where they get healthy and their wonderful personalities emerge, and then, they are most definitely adoptable! :D

06-13-2006, 12:43 PM
Austin was nippy in the shelter, and just this past week while on vacation, he desiginated himself as protector of the toddler, loving that little boy to pieces. He amazed me on a daily basis how well mannered he was with that little dude.

Elephant hocks.....maybe that was a reference to tough skin on his hocks.

06-13-2006, 01:52 PM
the whale eyes are so he can see you better and elepahnt hocks are so he can give you big kisses.

As you can tell I dont know what I'm talking about, so I resorted to some Little Red Riding Hood Silliness. :banana:

06-13-2006, 02:17 PM
Only the young, pretty, healthy, happy ones make it out of kill shelters,

And most times that isn't a guarantee :(

I personally think Big T is quite a dashing fellow. Maybe they named him after a classic movie star like Tyrone Powers lol.

Maybe the person is not aware that Dachshunds have short stumpy legs compared to other breeds! maybe that is what elephant hocks are.

06-13-2006, 02:19 PM
Oh BTW....

could they have written "whale eye" but ment Wall eyed? I know that means blue eyes in horse and doggie world but people world that means the opposite of having crossed eyes. could they have interpreted that his eyes drift out slightly and his pupils are a degree off of center? I certainly don't see that in him, but maybe they were looking to make something wrong with him??

06-14-2006, 11:40 AM
Geez.... Owen had that sort of experience too. OWEN. The ANGEL dog. The "I am always good aren't I mommy and I love you mroe than anything" dog.
He just was different in a shelter environment. Actually growling at people who came up to his cage. Luckily there were some girls there who thought he was so cute they'd take him out and see how he did and running around the offices and such he was just fine. Thank god they realized he just wasn't gonna get adopted from a cage and called the rescue woman And thank god for rescue people!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The thought of him being put down is unthinkable.
Elephant hocks huh? must be wrinkly knees is all I can think of. Aren't doxies supposed to have wrinkly knees????

06-14-2006, 02:04 PM
You got all that right about the shelter opinions courtney....sad but, true.....

Peteys Mom
06-14-2006, 04:06 PM
Ok when I saw the title of this thread "whale eyes and elephant hocks??", my first thought was "OMG don't tell me Petsmart is selling *high-pitched screechy voice* WHALE EYES and ELEPHANT HOCKS for dogs to chew on?????":shocked:

Color me relieved.:appl:

06-14-2006, 04:28 PM
Gross! LOL

Laurie' s Dachshunds
06-15-2006, 11:46 PM
Ok when I saw the title of this thread "whale eyes and elephant hocks??", my first thought was "OMG don't tell me Petsmart is selling *high-pitched screechy voice* WHALE EYES and ELEPHANT HOCKS for dogs to chew on?????":shocked:

Color me relieved.:appl:

I was just completely stumped. I wondered what in the world are Elephant Hocks?!?!?

Lee Anne
06-28-2006, 01:32 PM
I'm just now seeing this, so I'm sorry to reply to an old thread.

I don't know who posted it, but somebody said something like "whale eye" means that that the dog looks at you from the corner of their eye because they are frightened. I DID notice that Tyrone did that a lot the first week or so with us or whenever the other dogs would get in his face or if he thought I was gonna grab him and take him where he didn't want to go (bath or crate). I picked up on his fear and learned how to earn his trust and got to experience the beautiful brown "doxie eyes" instead of the whale eyes. :hearts:

I think the "elephant hocks" is in regards to the tough, elephant texture his skin has/had on his legs - esp. the rear legs where there seems to be extra skin to boot.

Just my two cents.

Thanks Laura!! I love the way you love him. :bighug: