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06-22-2006, 05:50 PM
First of all, Gigi is not big on playing. She plays, but on her term. She seldom play zoomie, also I don't have room in my big "castle" :rolleyes: Anyway, I was in my room playing on the computer... then I heard this noise... turns out she was doing mini zoomie in the living room with some sort of growling sound. It's very cute. :D It didn't last long though.

06-22-2006, 07:00 PM
AWW! HOw cute! Laika growls when she zooms too :)

Laurie' s Dachshunds
06-22-2006, 08:10 PM
OMG! Come to my house! I have 2 major growlers! Like Rrrrr, Rrrrrrr, Rrrrrrr.....Rufff! Ruff! Zooooom!....Rrrrrrrr, Rrrrrrrrr, Rrrrrrr, Ruff! Ruff! Ruff!!!
Zooom, Zooom, Zoooom......They play tag while growling & grabbing the others paws or legs! Reesee will grab the others legs & roll them over! Then it' s like that dog is IT!
Then Shadow' s like the referee & he' s going Ruff! Ruff!..... Ruff, Ruff, Ruff!
And they all run & start over. If they all run to the door mat on the deck, then they stop, and start over again. :scratch: I guess if you touch the door mat you' re safe? Not quite following all the rules yet!!!:rotfl:

06-23-2006, 08:59 AM
OMG! Come to my house! I have 2 major growlers! Like Rrrrr, Rrrrrrr, Rrrrrrr.....Rufff! Ruff! Zooooom!....Rrrrrrrr, Rrrrrrrrr, Rrrrrrr, Ruff! Ruff! Ruff!!!
Zooom, Zooom, Zoooom......They play tag while growling & grabbing the others paws or legs! Reesee will grab the others legs & roll them over! Then it' s like that dog is IT!
Then Shadow' s like the referee & he' s going Ruff! Ruff!..... Ruff, Ruff, Ruff!
And they all run & start over. If they all run to the door mat on the deck, then they stop, and start over again. :scratch: I guess if you touch the door mat you' re safe? Not quite following all the rules yet!!!:rotfl:

Oh that's too cute....I can just see it, a game of dachshund freeze tag! Julie would SO want to come play. I can picture Gigi playing one reound and then "supervising" to make sure everyone else is following the rules!

06-23-2006, 10:28 AM
I know what you mean about living somewhere small where its hard for a doxie to do zoomies. Now that we're in a big apt, Tasha loves to go charging around.

06-23-2006, 11:28 AM
:way2go: Gigi! It's fun for them even though it's in cramped quarters.
We have a small house too and Trix is not into playing either but does a few zoomies when we come home from errands. :cheer2: