View Full Version : Laika's tail tale

07-29-2006, 11:46 PM
Ok..I'm the baddest mom ever. I was doing the dogs' nails yesterday with the dremmel. Did Owen (the hardest) then was doing Laika's when I caught some of her lovely flag-like tail in the dremmel!!!!!! I turned it off immediately but still a lot of thrashing and yelping and I had to cut her hair to get it off cuz it wound up in the sanding drum. It wasn't tight to her skin or anything so I could cut it easily (well..as easily as anyone can cut the hair of a thrashing weeniedog) Then there was a chunk cut out of it so I trimmed her whole tail to even it out. MUCH drama. She was under the bed for a half an hour and only came out to give me dirty looks then hid again.
She was acting fine later and full of it as always humping Bob and begging and barking and running outside like the little fiend she is.
But her tail isn't sticking up like it aways does. She has a rather "gay" tail normally. Now it is DROOPING! I feel so bad and I hate it like that cuz she doesn't look like my Laika. Well..her tail doesn't anyway. She does NOT want me messing with it but I did feel it up and down and it does seem a little tender where her hair got pulled but not swollen and not crooked but it droops. From the top. She can still wag it and all but it isn't right. I know somebody had a droppy tail awhile back...think it was Willie?????????????? Seems like his just got better on its own?????????
Any advice???????????

07-29-2006, 11:59 PM
awww, I'm sorry Amy!! No advice, but sympathy - last time we tried to trim Angel's nails, I cut too far on one and she bled and hid under the couch for a very long time :sad2:. I felt so bad. She has a tendency to chew her own nails which I know is bad, but she probably does less damage than I did :(

a few :rayz::rayz::rayz: for Laika and her tail. I'd probably just ignore it and not touch it and she will probably raise it again within a couple days.

07-30-2006, 12:34 AM
Awwwwww I'm so sorry Amy. Her tail is not waving ....to make you feel guilty, and it's working. :rotfl: Wow I wouldn't want to be you, the next time she needs her nails done :confused:

07-30-2006, 01:42 AM
Awww what a bummer. Yes it was Willie and he is better. I think he had a slight sprain. It was probably more scary to Laika than anything else. ITA with Kim just ignore and pretend nothing happened. I'll bet that Laika's tail will be all better by tomorrow.
Sending lots of tail :bigrayz: :bigrayz: :bigrayz: her way.

07-30-2006, 08:48 AM
Awwwwww I'm so sorry Amy. Her tail is not waving ....to make you feel guilty, and it's working. :rotfl: Wow I wouldn't want to be you, the next time she needs her nails done :confused:

Oh god I know.. Laika's like an elephant and never forgets. I bet I can't do her nails ever again....or prob not touch her tail ever again either.!
It's so funny to me....Laika's so bold and confident but something minor affects her SO much for the longest time. ONce a pug made a horrible pug-noise when Laika did the teeter-totter and she didn't do it again for month. Yet Owen, who is rather wimpy and scared...thing don't faze him much. He forgets about it soon.

07-30-2006, 11:02 AM
ONce a pug made a horrible pug-noise when Laika did the teeter-totter and she didn't do it again for month. Yet Owen, who is rather wimpy and scared...thing don't faze him much. He forgets about it soon.

It's a guy thing. You know how it is, we women and much more sensitive than guys are. And we also don't forget. Just ask any man! :rolleyes:

07-30-2006, 03:23 PM
I am sure she will be fine in a couple of days! Here are some :bigrayz: :bigrayz: :bigrayz: :bigrayz: for her. Good luck next time you have to dremmel her.

07-30-2006, 03:29 PM
It was Willie's little tail that was droopy!! It's all happy and sticking up, being it's wiggleywaggley ole self.:bigrayz: :bigrayz: :bigrayz: just in case!

07-30-2006, 06:38 PM
I did this to Seb once. Now, when I do his back paws, I hold his tail with the leg I am working on. They seems to start squirming when you start getting closer to the quick and that's when the tail gets moving.

He did recover from it. He is a guy though. He is an easy going fella.

07-30-2006, 08:56 PM
Dis is Alex....
Laika, you are still bootiful.
Even with a bad haircut :hearts:

Alex daydreaming about pretty LH girls? lol

07-30-2006, 11:38 PM
Dis is Alex....
Laika, you are still bootiful.
Even with a bad haircut :hearts:

Dank you, Alex.
I have low self-esteem, now. My mudder was very very bad to me. My tail is not a beeyooteeful flag anymore. My mudder wrecked it. It droops lika wet NOOOODEW. I am not goin out where anybuddy can see me ever ever again.
I ben given my mudder The Bad Look all day. I think I will do it more tomorrow, too.
ps You are very handsum. I bet your tail is beeyooteeful.

07-31-2006, 12:13 AM
Oh No! Is the poor girl trying to remain defensive of her tail? I think she'll be hiding under the bed at the site of the dremel. My dog goes under the bed at the site of the clippers OR the ear cleaning solution! And I know how much you want to see that proud up tail. Oscar has one, too!! I'd be sad if I didn't see his tail going one day.

07-31-2006, 08:06 AM
You can borrow Jax's tail!!!! It never stops wagging!!!!! EVER!!!!
Sending big tail :bigrayz: :bigrayz: :bigrayz: your direction!!!!

07-31-2006, 09:33 AM
It is STILL drooping!!!!!!!!!!
She didn't hide yesterday and she is acting fine so I don't think it hurts but it is NOT sticking up like it should!!!!!!!!!!!!! She ran in the backyard barking (at god knows what) with her legs all stiff but her tail drooped down! I hate to look at it....
I think that she prob. pulled really hard against me and the dremmel when it was caught, With her tail. If that makes sense. So it's strained or something. I can feel it all the way down and it seems fine and she acts fine so I don't think it's anything serious but I feel so bad about it and worried....
Actually I haven't looked closely at it today but she is under the bed. Not cuz of the tail but because I haven't worked out and showered yet. She hides until I get in the shower everyday cuz she thinks she might get a bath (I wash her in the shower with me).

07-31-2006, 09:57 AM
Well, I thought was the only one that had a bad weekend with there weenie!! I am sorry about the hair cut.

07-31-2006, 11:22 AM
Yes, it was not a great weenie weekend for me either. It's not the haircut that bothers me so much, it's the drooping of her lovely tail. I KNOW it will get better but it's so sad. Ok...I'm nuts.
AND Angle boy OWEN went into the garage Saturday when we were out. I usually shut the storm door so the cat door is blocked but it had been shut a lot of the day and I hate to keep the cat from his litterbox and food.... so I figure...Owen hasn't gone out the cat door in some time and he KNOWS it's bad....he won't do it.
Welp he did and ate cat food and then had a PUKE-A-THON starting at about 3 Sunday morning. He was fine by noon Sunday but geez.....
AND my friend emailed me-we are in agility class together and she said her dog has kennel cough-she has no idea where he got it but they were in class together thursday...both of mine. And her dog drank out of our water bowl...

07-31-2006, 11:35 AM
My dogs would catch kennel cough if they came in contact with a dog that had been recently vaccinated with it.
And tell Laika Austin says that she'd better Fly that Flag Tail for him since his backs problems kept his at half mast for so long.:hug99:

07-31-2006, 11:36 AM
Oh no! Sorry about Laika's tail I hope it's nothing a little time won't fix.

As for the kennel cough I heard that the booster needs to be given every three months for it to be effective. I hope your babies don't get it.

07-31-2006, 12:06 PM
Oh no! Sorry about Laika's tail I hope it's nothing a little time won't fix.

As for the kennel cough I heard that the booster needs to be given every three months for it to be effective. I hope your babies don't get it.

I hope they don't either... I don't get the vaccine for kennel cough. There are a number of different strains of it (like 14 or something???) and the vaccine works only against 4 and like you said, it has to be given frequently. Laika has had bad reactions to vaccines in the past...I'm not going to add another one. Esp. since kennel cough isn't a deadly disease...
But I sure don't want my Weens to get sick at all!!
I think maybe the tail is looking better today...I'm not sure. Cuz of the bad haircut it looks different anyway...she can wag it...but I can't wait until I see the black flag flying again :sosad: