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View Full Version : Sabrina had a check up

Almost Doxie
08-29-2006, 08:23 PM
Well, the vet said she is in pretty good health EXCEPT she has terrible, horrible, awful teeth. She is missing quite a few and what is left is very infected and awful. She may have a little arthristis. She does have a couple "lumps" that they will poke with a needle when they have her under for her surgery. One she is a little concerned about and one she thinks is just a fatty tumor. She is on antibiotics for two weeks to see if we can get some of the infection in her mouth down. Her heart sounds good. She heard a little something in her lungs but thought that was probably more because of the dental infections. So keep good thoughts for her.

Alex's Mom
08-29-2006, 08:33 PM
Awww, poor little girl!!! mega mega :bigrayz::bigrayz::bigrayz: for her toofies and lumps. Keep us updated, OK? (If I was closer, Alex or no Alex, I'd adopt her. Just :hearts: :hearts: her little face!!!)

08-30-2006, 04:07 AM
Sending lots of DLC magical :bigrayz: :bigrayz: :bigrayz: for that little sweetie. I hope the anitbiotics get the infection under control soon. :pray:

08-30-2006, 07:23 AM
Big :hug99: and :pray: and lots of :bigrayz: :bigrayz: :bigrayz: for you and Sabrina!!!! Hope all goes well with the toofies.....:hearts: