View Full Version : Frankie & Flash drank the OMEGA-3 Fatty acid liquid

12-25-2005, 10:41 PM
So I was in the livinging room with the other three dogs and all was quite. Well, it was to quite so I called for the boys and they didn't come. Then Flash comes in while I was getting up to check on them and starts to clean himself which was strange. He runs and then I go into the kitchen and there is Frankie covered in the oil. You know how seals look well he looked just like that! I gave him a bath and put him in his kennel. Then it was Flashes turn. But, they still stunk so back to bath time. They still stink (does anyone have any ideas what to use on them to get it out?) but are much better. They licked up a lot of the oil what should I do? :shocked: :confused:


12-25-2005, 10:44 PM
Eeeewwww! Fish oil puppers! Maybe you could use some lemon juice on them. Isn't that what you use on your hands to get rid of the fishy smell?

As far as drinking it, it probably won't hurt them but it might make them have loose stools. Another eeeeewwww!

Pokeys Mom
12-25-2005, 10:47 PM
Oh dear! That does not sound like fun. For the drinking part- call your vet. Their tummies might get really upset or worse.

Bathing is a good idea. I would be careful as to bath additives. "Dawn cuts grease out of the way," but I'm not sure it's the best for their skin. Hopefully someone will be more helpful. Until then remember, your vet is a good friend!!

:rayz: :rayz: :rayz:

12-25-2005, 11:26 PM
Oh MAN!! I would think the only problem would be loose stools. And I wouldn't see why you couldn't use a little Dawn or something? I tried to google for something but couldn't find much...

12-25-2005, 11:43 PM
Vinegar cuts oil and it's good for human hair, but I am not sure about fur and you would have to be super careful not to get it near their eyes.

I am sure this will be hilarious in a few day, but I do feel really bad for you right now. And yes, I agree they will have really loose poop if they consumed a lot of the oil. :potty3:

12-26-2005, 12:57 AM
OMG that must have been a sight. At the vets we use Dawn to get motor oil off dog/cat coats so I'm sure it would work for this. As for licking up the oil, possibly it will give them a tummy ache or worse as Patrice said diarrhea.:faint: A call to the E-vet would answer that question for sure. Sending :rayz: :rayz: :rayz: to the boys. And :hug99: for you for cleaning up the mess.

12-26-2005, 02:59 AM
In about a week or so, I bet they have gorgeous coats from this!!!!!!

12-26-2005, 08:43 AM
It is OK to use the DAWN, just watch the eyes and rinse it well. We use it a lot in the rescue world for the initial bath of a lot of mill dogs.

Remember you will :rotfl: :rotfl: thinking about this next Christmas.

12-26-2005, 10:35 AM
OMG! Well, Merry Christmas to you!! What a mess!

Dawn sounds like a good idea, especially since so many on here have used it safely... if you are worried about skin sensitivity, do a patch test on a small area first... although I am guessing by now you have found SOME method to clean them up (or sequestered them in a room far, far away from yours! :D ).

12-26-2005, 01:27 PM
I washed them four times. :faint: Once with with a shampoo I got from the vet (that was the 1st time) and it didn't help very much. Then the second time with a flea and tick shampoo. It helped a little bit more but not good enough so I used Dawn on them two more times. They are still a bit oily and they stink a little but not like they did. Talk about a stinky mess. I washed the clothes that a lot of the oil spilt on (thank goodness they were there but to bad they were clean just waiting for me to fold them.) and when I took them out of the dryer I almost :yuck: Now I have them soaking waiting on some anomia (my mom used to wash my dad's work clothes with it because he was an oil field worker and it cut the grease really well). Let's hope it works. :relieved:

12-26-2005, 02:13 PM
Don't let the boys stay outside where to sun can warm up their fish oil fur. :eek: They came back in smelling as bad as they did after their 1st bath last night! :oops:

12-27-2005, 01:02 PM
oops :D It's really not funny... but on the other hand, it is.

12-27-2005, 02:02 PM
Oh no!! I hope the fishy smells goes away soon.