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View Full Version : Swollen cut on neck- update page 3

10-09-2006, 06:40 PM
We went to visit Rigby's family and puppies today (more on that later) and now we noticed a huge mark on Rigby's neck. It's bloody, like a brush burn, and swollen.

What should we do? Put ice on it? (she didn't take kindly to the first attempt).

I didn't see or hear her get hurt while we were there. I think if one of those dogs DARED to bite her neck, we would have had a battle royale, so I'm not sure where she got hurt. She doesn't seem too upset by it- she's begging for food as usual at dinner.

10-09-2006, 06:42 PM
Could it be a sore from her collar?

10-09-2006, 06:46 PM
I don't know- it's a plain collar that she wears for all of her walks. And she didn't have the leash on, so it's not like I had a leash attached to it.

10-09-2006, 06:47 PM
Can you post a pic? Is it hot to the touch? You can clean it with some betadine and put neosporin on it. If it's just a surface thing, shouldn't be too bad. If it's hot, it may be infected, and it may need antibiotics....

10-09-2006, 07:02 PM
I would rinse it with hydrogen peroxide and put some neosporin on it and watch it, poor little pup...

10-09-2006, 07:02 PM
Uploading pics now...

10-09-2006, 07:10 PM

10-09-2006, 07:16 PM
Yuck!! Hey I have this problem with flickr too...take the ?v=0 off the end of the URL for it to show up in the IMG tags.

It looks like a scrape to me. I would treat it at home with antiseptic and neosporin unless it feels hot to the touch and/or it bothers her when you touch it. Keep an eye on it to make sure it doesn't get worse. Maybe give your vet a call and ask too.

10-09-2006, 07:27 PM
The vet is closed tonight, so I'll just put neosporin on and watch it. She seems to be able to ignore it.

10-09-2006, 07:32 PM
Sending :bigrayz: :bigrayz: :bigrayz: :bigrayz: :bigrayz: :bigrayz: :bigrayz: for Rigby! Ouch!!

10-09-2006, 09:18 PM
Oh poor Rigby!!! Sending fast healing :bigrayz: :bigrayz: :bigrayz:

10-09-2006, 09:44 PM
Could it be a hot spot (or moist eczema)? Is it oozing?

Rumble would get hot spots in the summer under the collar. It looked like it. Can develop and look pretty bad in 24 hours.

It is important to clean it and antibiotics are needed.

10-09-2006, 10:13 PM
It's really swollen now, like a tumor. I'm freaking out. We don't know why it's so swollen. I iced it and put cream on it, and it's really growing. I don't know what it is.

Do you think it's safe to ignore for the night?

10-09-2006, 10:17 PM
Could it be a bite or something that is making it swell?

Red Haired Girl
10-09-2006, 10:23 PM
What kind of cream did you put on it? Did it start to swell after you applied the cream? It really looks like a hot spot ot contact dematitis. Scary looking, but nothing to get rattled about. Is she acting normal? Can she swallow without difficulty? Is her breathing OK? Not obstructed sounding? If she is swallowing and breathing I'd let it alone for 30 minutes. If there is no change, I'd wait till morning and call the vet. Mark it with a nontoxic ink so you can judge the size.:bigrayz: :bigrayz: :bigrayz: :bigrayz: that it is nothing serious.

10-09-2006, 10:58 PM
What kind of cream did you put on it? Did it start to swell after you applied the cream? It really looks like a hot spot ot contact dematitis. Scary looking, but nothing to get rattled about. Is she acting normal? Can she swallow without difficulty? Is her breathing OK? Not obstructed sounding? If she is swallowing and breathing I'd let it alone for 30 minutes. If there is no change, I'd wait till morning and call the vet. Mark it with a nontoxic ink so you can judge the size.:bigrayz: :bigrayz: :bigrayz: :bigrayz: that it is nothing serious.
Big ditto!!! Just a thought, if it is a bite or something, would giving her a little benadryl help?? Might help with the swelling, but I'm not a vet:scratch: Good luck and keep us posted. Sending more healing :bigrayz: :bigrayz: :bigrayz: !

10-10-2006, 01:33 AM
It's late, I hope Rigby is doing better by now and breathing okay. Looks like a bite or a scratch. Could she have scratched herself with a long or torn nail? I wonder if she had a reaction to the cream you applied. :scratch:
Sending lots of healing :bigrayz: :bigrayz: :bigrayz: for Rigby.

Please give us an update in the morning. :hug99:

10-10-2006, 07:34 AM
I put the neosporin cream on- don't think it gave her a reaction, it was big when I put it on.

I gave her benydryl and the swelling is almost 100% gone this morning. I bet it was a bite! I gave her a second dose of benydryl again this morning, so hopefully it will be cleared up when I get home from work. Her attitude, breathing, etc. is all normal. :cheer2:

Man, was that scary last night, though! It just kept swelling bigger and bigger!

10-10-2006, 07:36 AM
So glad to here that Rigby is doing better!!!!!!!:cheer2: :cheer2: :cheer2:
Give her a :hug99: from me!

10-10-2006, 07:39 AM
Ugh. I was wrong- there's poop all over the bedroom and a dark yellow spot on the bed. (I didn't turn the lights on when I came down here for breakfast, but Paul saw it.)

What's that about???

I'm calling the vet.

10-10-2006, 07:54 AM
I don't know....could the benadryl have upset her tummy??? Good idea to call the vet, I hope she's ok!!!!:hearts:

10-10-2006, 07:59 AM
:bigrayz: :bigrayz: :bigrayz: :bigrayz: :bigrayz: lots of rays for Rigby, hope she is better soon!!

Red Haired Girl
10-10-2006, 08:35 AM
Any chance she may have got snake bit?

10-10-2006, 08:40 AM
Or it could be a spider bite. She'd need antibiotics. i'd get her to the vet. Poor baby!

10-10-2006, 12:25 PM
ITA it's off to the vets or at least give them a call. Please let us know how she is. :bigrayz: :bigrayz: :bigrayz:

10-10-2006, 12:44 PM
Hopefully it's nothing serious.
:bigrayz: :bigrayz:

10-10-2006, 05:18 PM
I came home from work and she had diarrhea on the carpet by the door. Not much. Other than that, she seems fine now. The swelling is gone and there's just some dry skin.

Mr. Butters keeps licking it, and her face, and taking care of her. It's really quite cute.

My Bissell spot cleaner died while cleaning the morning mess. I just finished dragging out the big shampooer and cleaning everything. Ugh.

I think she'll be okay, though. Thanks for the rayz and answers to my questions. That was scary. Hopefully, it was just a bite or a swollen lymph node. She seems fine.

The vet said to observe her and if she seems to be getting lethargic, or vomits, etc. to bring her in, but I think the worst is over. If she turns back again, i will rush her in without question. :)

10-10-2006, 05:53 PM
Good to hear Rigby is doing okay. Yes, I'll have to agree it was pretty scary. The diarrhea is probably from the stress of it all.
Sending more :bigrayz: :bigrayz: :bigrayz: she will be back to her normal self very soon. :crossfin:

10-10-2006, 06:00 PM
Thanks for the update! I'm glad things are looking up. Sending more :bigrayz: :bigrayz: :bigrayz: