They are doing great! One of them has some sort of skin issue going on, though it looks like it's healing. It's not demadex, I'm sure. I think they had a quite a few fleas on them before I got them....
Type: Posts; User: AgileOllie; Keyword(s):
They are doing great! One of them has some sort of skin issue going on, though it looks like it's healing. It's not demadex, I'm sure. I think they had a quite a few fleas on them before I got them....
Yes, they are staying here, but GCDR does need foster homes for the 8 other dogs who have or will be coming into rescue soon. I've been turning down dogs all day. :(
Thanks, Lisa. At this point, I think we're good. I am finding that I'm short of towels and blankets for their little kennel, but I'm going to Goodwill today to get a new stash. As they get older,...
"Chuck" was the first thing that popped into my mind when I saw him. I can't wait to get him here and show you guys some pics.
I've been listening to puppy squeees all night. They are super fiesty already. One of them growled at me when I picked him up! FOUR days old and already has an attitude. LOL.
The puppies were born...
Yes. YOUR Chuck. I can't wait for you to see him. AMAZING little guy!
LOL Amanda!!!
Today I got a call from AC about a momma dachshund with 6 four day old puppies. There are 5 boys and one girl. All but two are black and tan, though the tan points on a lot of them are really dark-...