How did you pick a name for your dachsie?
I was just courious how the everybody picked the name for their dachsie! :hearts:
When we went to name Bella, it was between Bella and Clancie - but DH said everybody would think she's a boy if we went with Clancie. So we named her Bella, but then we just started calling her "Snooter" all the time because she's nosey, bossy, busy, and always "snooting around" (up in everyone's business!). :hearts:
Professor Brown was named when we went to pick him up from the breeder one week after we got Snooter. This guy had promised me that he would hold on to Snoot's brother (Buster) on Friday night until Saturday so I could come and get him. Well we got there and he told me that somebody was already going to the bank to get cash for him. So I threw my credit card at him, grabbed Buster Brown and we took off! He was MY dog! Anyways, we were driving away from the breeders place and Buster kept poking his head thru the top of the pet carrier, so I said, "sit back down there Buster Brown" - and DH looked at me and we just knew that was his name! :banana:
Karen - Proud Hoomom to Bella "Snooter" Boo & The Professor Buster Brown