Well, as you all know, I must have P names. I went through every name site on the Internet trying to find a name for Peaches. When I came across the name Peaches, I thought it was so adorable! I was really hoping when we met her that the name would suit her, and it did! :cheer:
Everyone helped me come up with name suggestions for Piper. His name was Jimmy. I picked 5 I liked and John got to choose the final name. He went with Piper because that is a type of plane and he is learning to fly. I didn't even know it was a plane when I gave him that choice! If I did, I would have known that would have been the chosen one! :boogie:
Prickles was the only P name I could come up with that was just perfect for a hedgehog! :heartbt:
Tanya, Peaches & Piper Man