I know this is not Doxi related.. but important.

Dear All,

Please read and sign the following petition:

"U.S. Soldiers Taunt Crippled Dog In Iraq VIDEO."

Please take a moment to read about this important issue and join me in signing the petition. It takes just 30 seconds, but can truly make a difference. Featured in this short video are at least 2 young men who are truly not of "America's Finest" military personnel.

This is sickening!

The petition is belew, but if you want to do more than just sign a petition here's a website
with the video that also tells you how to send a letter to the commanding officers to demand that they be brought to justice. Please take a minute and write a letter. They even give you an example to use if wanted.

Let these jerks that disgraced their uniform, their unit, their flag and their country see the true POWER OF THE INTERNET! They not only were disgusting in the torture of this poor dog but stupid enough to film it with their faces showing and then leave it lying around where it found it's way to the internet!

Please sign here: