Well, I tend to think out loud. I was at work and was all set to go home. We just had Max at the time and I was excited to go home and play with him. So I say in front of my co-workers: "Man, what a day, I've been looking forward to going home and playing with my hairy weinie all day". They expect odd references out of me, so they just stare at me and wait for the connection. Then it connected. I had to explain that I had a mini hairy weinie dog.
I'm always getting the kids going by cooing "How's my little weinies" etc. Well I'm talking to my mom who lives in an appartment. She says she has to be careful talking to her pets when she's in the washroom because you can clearly hear though the walls and she didn't want to sound like a crack pot. I said that could she imagine what would happen if they heard me in the bathroom.... "How's my little hairy weiner.... how's my little fella..... Ooohh you're soooooo cute!"