And ended up falling for a Dark little passenger. Meet Dexter, the newest member of the Anipal clan.
Now, I know what you're thinking. :wtf: Why isn't this a dachshund? I went looking for one, really I did. I just kinda followed a feeling and found myself at the Waveland Animal Shelter, which turned out to be so very sad. Puppies upon litters of puppies, but not a dachshund in sight. There was a mix that looked like a pit doxie mix, but he just didn't give me that vibe you get when you see the "one". I got to the end of the row, and there he was. A little black mop. I asked if I could see him and when he opened the door, he bolted for freedom. The then unnamed pupper let me pick him and I didn't fall in love with a face or a look, I fell in love with the trembling body in my arms and I knew I shouldn't have left the house without adult supervision. I had to wait all weekend and Monday and Tuesday before I could see him again, and just bolted from work to pick him up. He'd just gotten fixed today, but no shots yet, that's next week.
We stopped at Sonic for a Gotcha Day treat for all the dogs, and went back to my vet to make sure it was OK for me to bathe him, since all those pound germs couldn't be good for his stitches. Got the go ahead (I'd also called them before to make sure he'd get the extra pain meds and they could just charge it to me since they don't do that for the other dogs from the pound)
I got him home and let the other dogs sniff him in the kennel, and then took him into the tub for a good cleaning, being careful of his stitches. So dirty, and he had what looked like 2 bite marks on his head. I cleaned him up and he just leaned to me as I massaged him. Got him out and carried him outside and let the Herd meet him properly. He's got no tail and you can't see his eyes but his little stump of a rump was shaking so fast it reminded me of a blender!
He and Austin were having pissing contests....literal peeing contests for marking stuff outside, and Darwin is just FLIPPED OUT foaming at the mouth spazzed about this new dog. The crew is really being good about it so far and Dexter is just buzzing with amazement. I swear I can hear him going "This stuff is really ALL MINE? I get to stay here?:faint:" He go check something out and then come running back to me, stumprump going 90mph. I can just feel the gratitude.:hearts:
So, it's another Doxie by proxy. Dexter. Age and origin unknown (guessing 3 years old by the looks of his teeth. 22.2 lbs on the 22nd of Feb. Fur still wet from his first bath.