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  1. #1
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    Talking Dear Santa ... (Post your puppers letter to Santa)

    Dear Santa Clause,
    My name is Professor Buster Brown. Dis year I would like a new computer with a terra bite hard drive of memory for my calculations. I have been very studius this year, staying away my my sister Snooter and all the trouble she causes.
    Thank you and Happy Holiday.
    Professor Buster Brown
    Karen - Proud Hoomom to Bella "Snooter" Boo & The Professor Buster Brown

  2. #2
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    Default I'b been good

    Herro Santa,
    Dis be Snooter. I'b been vewy good dis yer. Pretty good. I'b been as good as I culd, Santa. Dis yer I want a pony. I promise to stop da barking if I gets da pony santa.
    Karen - Proud Hoomom to Bella "Snooter" Boo & The Professor Buster Brown

  3. #3
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    Ft. Myers, Fl Home to hurricanes,..storms, not the teams
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    Default Dear Santa

    I found out today that my Mom has what is called a credit card. She gave it to the lady, and she got everything she asked for. :banana: Please bring me a box of those.

    I also need an indoor lawn to bury my bones in, because Mom and Dad will not let me take them outside and dig holes for them, and this ground inside is just too hard. I don't know why they don't think I should hide them in the couches, either.

    Better bring Mom some new boots, because the ones she has look pretty tasty, and I have been thinking of trying them. Otherwise, I have been a little :angel7: and deserve it all.


  4. #4
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    Dear Santa,

    Dis year I beeen a wery good puppy, in fact, I beeen so good I don't want you ta bwing me anything. All i wood ask is if you would pweeese take my wittle brudder with you and gib him to anothwer famly. His is da biggest pain aways bark, bark, bark and he steels tention away from ME.

    Tanks da best!


  5. #5
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    Cute thread idea...

    Dear Santa,

    This is Prickles. I have been a good girl this year, just like always. I’d like some new sleeping bags, meal worms, and crickets. Oh yeah, and can I also get a Salmon dinner?

    Prickles :hearts:


    Dear Santa,

    Dis is da Piper Man. I been a vewy good boy this year. I would like a squeaky football, bones, and lots of food. Mama says I have to ask for a new harness and collar since I am too big for mine now.

    Piper :boogie:


    Dear Santa,

    Dis is Peaches. I haven’t been very good this year. There’s a reason they call me Miss Thing. I have several things that I’d like that would keep me busy and out of trouble next year.
    * 1 full time play buddy. They must be able to throw a tennis ball really far and not whine about wanting a break.
    * 100 Nobbly Wobblys
    * Indoor Tennis Ball Pit
    * Membership to the Marrow Bone-A-Day club
    * Personalized Track Suit for when I compete in Flyball
    * The entire Puppia Line of clothing for everyday wear

    Peaches :heartbt:
    Tanya, Peaches & Piper Man

  6. #6
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    Dear Santa
    Dis is Heidi. I has been a vewy vewy good girl dis year. I would wike to ask for some new nywa bones, some boots and maybe a pwetty new collar. My new coat is da pink one so maybe da boots and da collar shuld match dat. OH, and culd you bwing some ridalin for my brudder? He drivez me nutz. He needz some help wit his ADHD! I just kiddin but maybe a few new toyz so he weaves me awone!!!

    Tank you vewy vewy much

    Hey big fella, dis Buddy here. I no I have not been da best boy in da world. I pwomise to twy harder for next year. Maybe if you gave me a brudder or sister dat wiked to pway wit me, I could be a better boy. And I also wike nywa bones. Oh yeah and some knobwy balls. Oh oh and maybe a new tennis ball. And i could use a hug-a-dox. And perhaps a new coat and some boots to go wit da hug a dox. I wike da fwisbeez too. What are your thoughts on a skate board? My mudder sez dey are danger-somting but dey look so fun! I twied da neighbors and I want my own! I tink dat's it for me. But, culd you look into bwinging my mudder some new boots? I feel bad cuz I ate herz last night. Dey were just so yummy!!! I culdn't help myself. She wikes black ones. Tanks dude. 'Preciate it!

    Becca and always in my heart Heidi and Buddy

  7. #7
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    Dear Santa Paws,

    I's been a good girl, don't listen to my mommy or my stupid brudder. My daddy will tell you- I's a good, good girl. What i weally, weally want for cwistmas is a squirrel. I want to catch dat squirrel and shake him and shake him. Oooooh, dey make me so angry... hate dose squirrels. And I would like you to make da baf tub go away and also da big outside baf tub dat dey call "da pool"- make dat go away too.

    Thanks bery much,

    Miss Eleanor Rigby Von Wienerhausen

    Dear Kris Kringle,

    Hallo, again. Zeez is your favorite dachshund dog, Mr. Butters. Ich have been zehr gut again zeez year, as always. Meine mutter can't believe how gut ich bin. She says dat no ooder dog in zee vorld is as vell behaved as me.

    Fur das reason, ich feel that I deserve to have some peace und quiet. Can you somehow make zee Grandma take me to live vit her? she could cook me some prime rib und give me cheese und meatloaf. Und take me for lots of walks. Zat is my dream. If you can't do zeez, zen just bring me zee biggest bone you can find, und some birdie toys zat sound like real birdies (ich don't like killing zee real birdies- ich bin ein 'animal lover', after all.)


    Mr. Butters Von Wienerhausen
    Tracy, Mr. Butters, Rigby, Ariana Marie & Isabella Charlotte

  8. #8
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    Hello? You guys send dis ting yet? Mama not let me on laptop very oftens!

    Hi Santa, dis Cassie.
    Pwease send food, and biscuits and treats, and also food. No bananananas though (squishy). Also pwease tell Angel let me play wif some of da toys, whatever they be. Maybe some stuff I can fetch. I been a good girl, mama say so, and I trying not to be so loud before six thirty AM. Maybe just put food and treats right in my crate? Then no need to wakes everbody up! Tank you and lickies,

    P.S. Angel ask for love and chewbones, not have to be in that order. Sends lickies also.

  9. #9
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    Hello Santa
    Petunia here--I just wants wlots of tweets, Merrick canned food (for when I'm realy good) and bully stix and flossies. I been a wreal good girl. I lubs my family-especially my daddy. Some new clothes would also be great. Thanks

    Dear Santa!!--- Gunner here--I just wants lots of Frisbees and tennis balls-cause I is the champion in the frisbee league. Some bully stix and flossies would be nice also but my sissi takes them aways from me---so could you please make her be nicer. THANKS I love you Santa.
    Last edited by LUVMYGUNNER; 12-03-2005 at 11:54 PM.

  10. #10
    Join Date
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    Dera Santa Paws,
    This is Cricket. Two years ago I didn't have a home. I lived on the city streets in Chicago and nobody rubbed my belly. Some nasty childrens throwed rocks at me in a schoolyard and then the teacher took me into her class and taught all the little hoomans that it's better to be nice to animals. I'm glad she did that, maybe the rock throwers are nice now because of me. When I lived outside I met lots of other four leggers that didn't have homes and belly rubbins neither.
    Santa, do you think you for christmas you could give homes to all the animals that don't have one? Thats what I want the mostest. Not all aminals are lucky enough to find people to rescue them. Also Santa, could you give a big hug to all the angels that rescue us animals and help us find our forever homes? That hug is from me. It's the christmas present that I want to give!
    Thank you so much Santa!
    I love you,


    Dear Santa,
    For christmas can I have the biggest bone in the world? And could you give me and my sister firm poop for my mom!
    Thanks bunches!
    Weenie & Cricket & Annie & Me (Amy)

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