That sounds like lots of fun!!! And quite a site to see, I'm sure.
That sounds like lots of fun!!! And quite a site to see, I'm sure.
Mom to Dachshunds: Pippit, IzzyBean and Calli
Maybe I should have my hubby SING to Maddie while I get to her teeth. Madison either really loves or really hates.....we haven't figured it when her papa sings. It will get her HOWLING and SCREECHING every time. Maybe if he sings, she will start hollerin' and then I can stick the toothswab in her mouth while it's open. Hmmmmmm.
I KNOW Maddie could be a winner on Funniest Videos. I just KNOW it!
Git a looooong little doggy!
I'd love to see that on video too! What a great way to get him all fresh and clean. Casey and Sophie wouldn't dare let me do all that to them
I'd be in shock If they ran to the bedroom to let me do any of that to them.
I am so amazed with the CHIEF! Good Boy! :hearts:
That's a great routine; I bet it is enjoyable for both of you and keeps Chief healthy!!
No "nudging' here, but Cassie POKES people with her snout when she wants food or attention. You have to be careful because she does not discriminate where she pokes. Don't bend over if she is standing behind you on the couch!
Kim & the Girls
With me always, Cassie & Angel
Boy, you are something else what an outstanding routine. That looks like a nice brush I'll look for something similar.
They may be small, but you should see their hearts. Shelter/Rescue dogs aren't broken. They've simply experienced more life than other dogs. If they were human we would call them wise. They would be the ones with tales to tell and stories to write. The ones dealt a bad hand who responded with courage. Do not pity a shelter/rescue dog. Adopt one. And be proud to have their greatness on your side. Anon (click daily to give free care and food)
That's a great routine Loren!! I need to try something like that w/ my two...though I'm not so sure they'd let me get away w/ brushing thier teeth!! Thanks for sharing your special time!!!
Becca and always in my heart Heidi and Buddy
Honestly, I felt kind of funny telling you all my little grooming routine with Chief as it sounds like I'm a bit..:krazy:
so Thank you for making me feel normal!
It sounds to me like you love your pupper and enjoy being with him.:hearts:Originally Posted by meemoo
Kim & the Girls
With me always, Cassie & Angel