What a boneheaded thing to say!!!! May someone fart on her in an elevator!!!
What a boneheaded thing to say!!!! May someone fart on her in an elevator!!!
Originally Posted by Lisa
Oh my holy dog that is the CUTEST FABRIC! :hearts:
Lisa, that is the CUTEST fabric!:hearts:
Mama!!! Tres needs you to beat up her principal!!!
Tex, loyal servant to...
School will be out soon. Buy her a nice parting gift, maybe all the teachers go in on one? Make sure it is a doxie.
You might tell her to go to the search engine of her choice and put in dachsund, and watch what happens......and she might want to rethink her words.
I was just bemoaning that I could not find a doxie pattern/outline for a project I wanted to do.
How rude!I hate people like that! I think a nursery with your adorable dachshunds on the wall would be so cute. Ignore her. Don't let her spoil this great time for you. Make a beautiful nursery and don't show her pics. Just show them to people who will appreciate them and not make rude remarks. Like us! :banana: :banana:
The worst part is that she MET Mr. Butters last year- I brought him to school on the last day and he trotted along behind me the whole time- so she knows how cute he is and still thinks he's "ugly" I guess. That confuses me- I happen to think he has one of the best dachsie faces ever. It's so expressive!
Tracy, Mr. Butters, Rigby, Ariana Marie & Isabella Charlotte
ITA. Even my FIL has said "how can you say no to him? how can you do it?!" Which is why CRicket gained a few pounds while we lived with himOriginally Posted by Anatresia
Hoomom to Cricket ~ Red Smooth 'tweenie'
Your da*n right they are not ugly - BLAH on her !!!! That is so sad - because she probably didn't even have a clue as to how much that would hurt you.....
Barb,Owned by Rudy Brandy-Angel Toby Mary Holly
This fabric is adorable...especially if it is a girl !!!Originally Posted by Lisa
Barb,Owned by Rudy Brandy-Angel Toby Mary Holly
Hey Tres, if you do go off on her, you can blame it on hormones!! :D
What a nasty a$$ woman. Your drawings are adorable! I've been wearing one of my Mr Bs tees for skating since its nice and long and I have to wear leggings so my knee pads fit over them.