You know that I think your work is awesome, in fact everyone here does. Just ignor her and try not to let her comments brother you.
You know that I think your work is awesome, in fact everyone here does. Just ignor her and try not to let her comments brother you.
Yolanda and the FurCrew.
" .... It takes a village ....."
I am so sorry she called your dogs ugly. I wonder how she would feel if you called her pets ugly !!!
She doesn't have pets! in fact, she has one child and he moved to Florida (the teachers think it was to get far away!)
Tracy, Mr. Butters, Rigby, Ariana Marie & Isabella Charlotte
You need to plaster dachies all over your classroom. Can you have your kids draw dachies as an assignment and then put them all over?
That would really pi$$ me off. :wtf:
Mom of Harley & Max
That's part of the problem- I use the dachsie theme in a lot of my examples. It's my motif.So she already knows I tend to lean toward everything dachsie.
Tracy, Mr. Butters, Rigby, Ariana Marie & Isabella Charlotte
Then next time she says something, tell her her son is ugly![]()
Hoomom to Cricket ~ Red Smooth 'tweenie'
That would've really bothered me too! :duh: That was very offensive for them to say that too you!
Kelli (Hoomom to Bella & Cooper)
My father in law is just like that, too. He thought we should have our dog put to sleep just because we were having a baby. I told him off.
Tell her to bite your weiner! LOL!
Originally Posted by yourmomsage
I wouldn't be on speaking terms if my FIL said something like that!! Unbelievable!! :mad2: :mad: :mad2:
Lee Anne, Ruckus, Rowdie, Greyson, & Cayenne
Foster Buds Always in Our :hearts: : Zipper, Tyrone, Gracie, Rosie, Tommy, Froggy, Hunter, Lowla, & Vader
Tenderness and kindness are not signs of weakness and despair, but manifestations of strength and resolution. ~ Kahlil Gibran
You wouldn't believe how many people told me that I should have Amanda pts because she was old and deaf and blind and couldn't walk. I got to where I just walked away from them thinking "I hope someone does that to you someday." She wasn't in pain, ate well and still got excited and happy about being petted or when I came home. I felt her quality of life was good for a 17 yo.
I think you tell her to bite your wiener![]()