Dear Friends,
I have a complaint. I know you will understand cuz you all know that dachshunds are the best other dogs can compare to us, I firmly believe.
But everytime my mother takes us for a walk, the same thing happens.
"oh look at dat TINY LITTLE DOG!!!" "Mommy I wanna pet dat LITTLE DOG!"
"Is dat a TEACUP chihuahua????"
Yes, that Salsa gets all the attention. It's just ridiculous. Here I am, with my gorgeous flowing hair, my beautiful face that is filled with intelligence and love, not to mention my lovely belly that I make sure everyone can see, and they are drooling over that oversized rodent of a dog. She's not even a proper dog, I don't think.
OWEN is fooled and thinks she is his girlfriend but you can not pull the wool over my eyes that easily.
She's a large rat masquerading as a dog. And you all know what I like to do with rats....
I am polite to her because I am a good dog. My mother tells me that every day. But do I get any credit from the general public??? Do people crowd around to rub my belly??
Thank you for letting me vent.
C-ATCH UAG-II Laika Rocket