Why do you pee on my carpeted floor when I've placed 10 freaking piddle pads there for you to use? The door to go outside is WIDE open, letting in flies and Dog knows what.
Why do you pee on my carpeted floor when I've placed 10 freaking piddle pads there for you to use? The door to go outside is WIDE open, letting in flies and Dog knows what.
Why does Doxie approach the open deck door, stick his nose out to sense any chance of persipitation Then stick two front paws out on the deck.....the back half pees on the floor and then precedes to go all the way out side. Thank God for Viva. :confused: Cause they can I guess. He knows he's cute no matter what......
Why has doxie taught Mama that when facing destruction by herd - grab camera take picture to post on DLC then clean up laughing??
Sandi aka Mama S aka keeper of da herd and da Popsicle flavor list AND Nana to Sean, Mykaylyn, Emma, Baylee, Eli, and Bryce and Mama to da brat, da boy and Brooke!
Why is it when I am nekkid from coming out of the shower...I feel like you are laughing at me?
Why do you continually Roll on dead things, poop and other nasty stuff?
And then get peeved with ME when I need to give YOU a bath?
Why does Doxie find it so exhilarating to sacrifice his lips to the vacuum god and how does he do that full fledged bark of the guard dachshund with a tennis ball firmly planted in his mouth........:sausage:
Why when you get to sleep in the big bed do you INSIST that your head must be on me at all times? Then get grumpy when I move??!
Barking with a mouth full: FUNNIEST NOISE EVER. Dolly is the queen at that. I love it when trainers tell you "a dog won't bark with something in it's mouth" I'm thinking, 'let me introduce you to Dolly'Originally Posted by bittyup
Originally Posted by michelehbc
(in Napoleon Dynamite's voice) LUCKY! All I ever get is Asses on me. Gaseous ones at that!
Scented plug-ins have no chance when the pillow next to you is occupied by a gassy dachshund and his toady the gassy pitbull. Throw a pair of ferrets in the room and :wow2: you have to be really really tierd to ignore it.:scared1: