That is all.
OH.MY.FRICKIN'.doG! :spit: :lol:
I think I shot Breyer's triple chocolate ice cream out of my nose!
Hoomom to Cricket ~ Red Smooth 'tweenie'
Mr. Butters is the king of anal glad vengence. Always on my LAP! I can sympathize! Although, he's never pooped in the vet's office.
His favorite little trick is to poop on the lawns where dogs are barking ferociously out the window at him, like "Ha ha, I poop on your lawn!"
Tracy, Mr. Butters, Rigby, Ariana Marie & Isabella Charlotte
In triumph the insult comic voice "It is a beautiful lawn.....FOR ME TO POOP ON!"Originally Posted by Anatresia
Here is what she wrote about all her doxies on
This one had me rolling, too!
Very hard for Mama to type when tears are cluttering her eyes and her sides are aching from the laughter!!!
Sandi aka Mama S aka keeper of da herd and da Popsicle flavor list AND Nana to Sean, Mykaylyn, Emma, Baylee, Eli, and Bryce and Mama to da brat, da boy and Brooke!
"Um. Hee?"
Lee Anne, Ruckus, Rowdie, Greyson, & Cayenne
Foster Buds Always in Our :hearts: : Zipper, Tyrone, Gracie, Rosie, Tommy, Froggy, Hunter, Lowla, & Vader
Tenderness and kindness are not signs of weakness and despair, but manifestations of strength and resolution. ~ Kahlil Gibran