O wow she ROCKED!!! I was SO proud of her! NOt sure why, as it doesn't take any training or talent I guess but to see her instinctively do what her breed was made for is very cool.
I think she remembered the place even although it's been a year...
But when she heard someone say "GET THAT RAT" to their dog she started SCREAMING. I might be partially deaf now...
She did a big long tunnel with a right angle turn and worked the rat (which is digging, bitting the wooden bars keeping her from the rat cage, screaming barking, whatever) for a full 60 seconds. She also was able to be held back 10 feet from the tunnel and when I let her go, right into it. You could hear her screaming all the way through LOL.
We also got to do terrier racing after a lure. Very cool although she had no chance to catch it racing against much longer legged terriers...there were no other weens there. But she got to run like a fiend and bark which she loves. Then a border terrier attacked her (prob. annoyed by her incessant screaming) which scared the hell out of us (and everyone else too I think cuz like 3 people threw their pop at the dog before we got to them) but he didn't hurt her at all so I don't think he was really biting her. She wouldn't run the next time but I don't think it was cuz of that...it was getting hot and she was tired (from running and screaming and digging and biting) She is passed out now (and farting for some reason). I am sure she could get her junior earth dog title....they will have a real test in August.
I wonder if she'll run agility tomorrow??? Or just sniff the ground and hunt for rats.