The Flying Sausage has officially completed 1 year of competing in Flyball!!! She started last July at a tournament in Madison, WI. (Read about it here!) This past weekend, we went back to Madison.

A few comparisons...
July 06 - Our team placed 1st both days of the tournament!
July 07 - Our team placed 1st both days of the tournament!

July 06 - Peaches ran in just a few races to adjust to being at a tournament.
July 07 - Peaches ran as the height dog in every race!

July 06 - Peaches racked up 35 points earning her first title!
July 07 - Peaches racked up 931 points and is closing in on her 5,000 point title!

July 06 - Peaches ran in the mid-7 second range.
July 07 - Peaches clocked several 6.7 second runs!

July 06 - Lots of people were coming up to me saying how cute she is and they've never seen a dachshund run in flyball!
July 07 - People were coming up to me saying how much fun she is to watch and how she runs with so much heart! :hearts:

I can't even begin to tell you all how proud I am of her!!! I must say we have truly found her passion in life! :banana: :banana: :banana: