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  1. #11
    Join Date
    Dec 2005
    Ottawa, KS
    Thanked 24 Times in 16 Posts

    Default Cute

    He's got his act down now take him on the road! :lol:
    ~Shonda, Jackson, Daphne (Mitzi Moo, Dudley, Lily Bug, Buddy and Charlie see you my sweet pups on the Rainbow Bridge) Help CCDR raise funds. Put Coast To Coast Dachshund Rescue in the "Who do you Goodsearch for" box and hit verify. Then search away!![/COLOR]

  2. #12
    Nancy Guest


    What a cutie pie! I usually just get 'The Look'!

  3. #13
    Jen Guest


    What a smart boy Mr. B is. Yes, it would work on me. :D

    Tasha did something similar with her kong. She'll only eat it BEFORE we leave, otherwise its uneaten when we get home. So we made it part of the leaving ritual anyway. Hot dog in kong, kong to dog, get ready for work. Well, last week she ate all the hot dog, brought it back into the kitchen, set it down, and gave us the LOOK. More please!

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