Took all 12 dogs with me to work today, it was beautiful out and I really didn't feel like calling the sitter, so loaded up the truck and off to Stennis!

They had SUCH a great time, running 90 mph all over the place and never out of my sight (it would not bode well on me as a foster mom if I misplaced my foster own dogs, that's another story)

Anyway, Rue and Alec were great, and listened so well outside, never going too far away from me. I was just proud of them. How am I supposed to be able to give these guys up? Rue is such a NORMAL doxie. I'm not sure how to handle normal. Alec, I can handle with his weirdness of 'I'm just sittin here with my peener on you' and his coat of arm hair. (Seriously, I think the hair on my arms is exactly like his coat, except blonde. Kissing him is like kissing my arm, except for the kissing back part.) But Rue is like the normal cousin in The Munsters, all normal lookin in a band of freaks.

I had to make 3 different trips to get Pearl, Dolly and Daisy May, who'd decided to go hunt deer. Daisy May was stalking deer outside the fenceline and when I called her, they took off, spoiling her hunt. Dolly had decided that she didn't want to make rounds with me and laid out in the sun right in front of the headquarters building, and Pearl just wandered off like an Alzhimer's patient. She's like that.

Rue doesn't like the elevators, and herding 12 dogs into the elevator is not as easy as herding 10. Several trips up and down the stairs were made to retreive dogs who for some reason or another, missed the trip.

More often than not, I sat in my office chair with Otto, Scooter, Rue and Alec on my lap. That is no easy feat. Otto fell off once, but landed on Darwin so that worked out for him.

We'll see how they feel about the sleeping arrangement tonight.....