He is such a nut. And so very sneaky. Lately (about 2 weeks now) we have not been closing his crate at night. My FIL is the last one to go to bed, and usually he will close Cricket's crate. Cricket had graduated to no crate when we lived in our home, but I began crating him at FIL's because I didn't want any accidents. Well, FIL has not been crating him at night, but every morning Cricket is in his crate fast asleep. Now, he really isn't supposed to come upstairs per me because of my worry over his back, but from time to time, I overlook the fact that he is upstairs and let him curl up next to our bed - but only when we are awake. This morning, I get up and go about my routine and head downstairs to let him out. He isn't there . Hmmm, I figure he somehow snuck into my FILs room and was sleeping w/him. Nope, the door was closed. No way he could get in there. So, I then begin to worry What if my FIL let him out and forgot to let him in?! I opened the backdoor and call for him. I hear a faint 'tinkling' noise from his collar, then what sounds like a herd of buffalo upstairs. He comes bouncing down and shoots out the door to do his business. I still don't know where he was - I'm guessing he was in my daughter's bed under her covers, but neither one of them is telling