and all were asleep. Until.....
barlbarkbarkbarkbark -
da herd pop out from under covers, around pillows, whereever they may lie to go flying down the ramp out the bedroom door through the kitchen through the laundry room and out the dog door lickety split. Mama groggily gets up wanders through the house to the back door to see..
is that in who's mouth and why is it coming in my dog door???
Oscar has killed a baby possum and is attempting to bring it into my house. Oh he******************no.
DROP IT - shrieks Mama. Don't know if it's just that he is that well trained or that I freaked him out but he dropped it and stood dead still looking at his prize. I grabbed a broom and the skimmer net and swooshed it over the fence into the woods:( Sorry - I'm in my jammies it's after midnight and I got 8 puppers going nuts.
We went into the house where Oscar got great big hugs - NO KISSES - and a treat for trading his prize!
