Yeah, dat's what my mommy and papa says I know how to do well. Dis is Dolly and I was wondering ifs youse could help me to know zactly what this means. Dis is what my hoomans say I do. Well, aren't ya suppose to get a cookie when you come in from a successful potty job? So when I come in, I EXPECT a cookie. Wuz wrong wiff dat? Now to ME, that means; come IN door, GET cookie. So the way Ize figgers it, I can step out on the porch and march right back in and DEMAND my cookie. Don't dat sound right? Mommy and papa sez DAT'S workin' da system. I think it's just plain smart bizness and good math. In + Out = COOKIE. And so In + Out x 2 or 3 or 4 = 2 or 3 or 4 cookies. Do youse see a problem here? I tink I'm just a smart doggity who knows what I want and goes after it.:cheer2: