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Thread: Agility venue?

  1. #1
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    Question agility venue?

    I thought this might be better as it's own post.

    What sort of agility do you-all do? (you that do agility :happy7

    We do CPE (my favorite) and also UKC cuz I have a dachshund friend who does that and it's weenerdog-friendly, and USDAA cuz that's what they do where we train. Except Laika really can't title in USDAA-times are too short and she'd have to jump 12 inches! She CAN but I'd rather she didn't. And their A-Frame is enormous!! They have a performance class where she can jump 8 and the A-frame isn't as tall.
    Amy, Laika, and Owen

  2. #2
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    WOW! what a great pic! I love to see dachshunds do agility. I don't do it right now, but I would like to someday.

  3. #3
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    Awesome picture! I know we have some who do, and I hope they have pictures to post.


  4. #4
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    Peaches just started agility about a month ago, so she is no where near read to compete. We were told it could take up to 2 years before a dog is ready to compete. Does that sound about right?

    The instructor brought up the different kinds of agility, but I don’t know much about them yet. Teacup agility seemed interesting though! :cheer2:

    That’s a great picture! :boogie: I’d love to see more! We don’t have any pics yet!
    Tanya, Peaches & Piper Man

  5. #5
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    I have no idea about the "sort" that we do. We have been doing it for over a year now I think? We entered our first trial (NADAC) on Thanksgiving 2005 and Gigi got 2 second ribbons. We only signed up for jumper course. It was fun. During class we just run different course which consists of jumps, A frame, dog walk, teeter, tunnel and weavepoles. And Gigi jumps 8-inches (4 for real).

    I have pictures that someone took for us, I will have to dig it up.
    Jen & Gigi

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tanya
    Peaches just started agility about a month ago, so she is no where near read to compete. We were told it could take up to 2 years before a dog is ready to compete. Does that sound about right?

    The instructor brought up the different kinds of agility, but I don’t know much about them yet. Teacup agility seemed interesting though! :cheer2:

    That’s a great picture! :boogie: I’d love to see more! We don’t have any pics yet!
    I guess it depends on the dog and the long it takes to be ready to compete. That's why I like CPE-it's more laid-back and friendly to beginners. They don't have the teeter or weave poles in level 1. I had problems with Laika when I changed locations. So it took her awhile to be able to perform outside in a ring with an audience on different equipment. But to me it seems like the only way to get her used to doing that, is to jsut DO it. Some places have fun matches which is cheaper and gives you a chance to see how they would do in a trial environment. Usually it's the handler that is the most nervous..but of course your dog knows
    if you are nervous and that can scare them some too.
    I'm planning on entering Owen this spring in CPE Jumpers just for the heck of it. Then by the time he's really ready to compete, he'll be used to performing in "public".
    I think teacup sounds really cool too. Perfect for doxies...
    I think we did classes for a year and a half or so at least before we started competing. We've been competing for about 2 years. It's hard here in the winter cuz there's not many places to trial inside and they fill up fast :(
    That's the only good agility picture I have...I wish I had more.

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by jenfer
    I have no idea about the "sort" that we do. We have been doing it for over a year now I think? We entered our first trial (NADAC) on Thanksgiving 2005 and Gigi got 2 second ribbons. We only signed up for jumper course. It was fun. During class we just run different course which consists of jumps, A frame, dog walk, teeter, tunnel and weavepoles. And Gigi jumps 8-inches (4 for real).

    I have pictures that someone took for us, I will have to dig it up.
    I have been wanting to try NADAC. I heard the courses are nice and "flowy" and fun to run. Congrats on your ribbons!! Most venues use all the same equipment and it's just the rules and requirements that are different. Except UKC-they have kinda weird and different equipment like a sway bridge, pause box, crawl tunnel, hoop tunnel. But you get to take your dog on a walk-through!
    I'd love to see pictures of Gigi doing agility...
    I think dachshunds look so cute doing agility. Laika always gets a lot of attention if there is an audience. Of course she often humiliates me...she's so silly. She has invented new ways to do obstacles and also believes she is in charge of security so will sometimes run barking madly at people she doesn't think look quite right or that she thinks shouldn't be in "her" ring. It can be embarrassing sometimes... like when it started raining a little and she just went in a tunnel and sat there looking at me like I was the crazy one..out in the rain...maybe she was right...
    Amy, Laika, and Owen

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