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Thread: What the !??!

  1. #1
    Nancy Guest

    Default What the !??!

    So, I decided to take Molly out for a little strole this afternoon when I got home from work. I came upon a cute little park that had a fenced in area, so I decided to play/run with Molly in the little fenced in area. Anyway, two girls came over and were chatting with and patting Molly. While I was chatiting with them, I looked away for 2 seconds and Molly has something in her mouth. I gave her the drop it command, which didnt work, so I wrench her mouth open, reach in and grabbed a handfull of POOP!!
    ARGHGHGHGHGHGHG! It was under my nails, on my hand. I'm totally grossed out. As we are leaving, she decides that hey, that was tasty, I want more and glup, another chunk down the ole' hatch.

    At this stage, I just want to get home, throw up and bleach myself and possibly bleach Molly's mouth too!

    This has NEVER happened to me! I've owned dogs in the past and they were not poop eaters! YUCK!!

    Should I bring her to the vet? I'm totally at a loss here! She came home and ate her dinner and drank some water and she's running around like normal.

  2. #2
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    EWWWWWWW!!!!!!! I know how you feel- I had poopies in my BED the other night!!! There are so many good things about having a dog, but the poop issues are one of the downsides, huh? ;)

    I hope this was just a one time thing, and not a new habit!!!
    Tracy, Mr. Butters, Rigby, Ariana Marie & Isabella Charlotte

  3. #3
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    Welcome to the world of poop eaters anonymous. Grrrrt and even the Great Otto who can do no wrong in my eyes will snack on poop logs when given the opportunity. They act like we're starving them and gobble it up. I just give them a breath mint (yip yaps) and hope for the best. Grrrt will 'clean up' after herself, and Otto cleans up after Grrrt too.:mad:

  4. #4
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    Gosh! I was just eating a caramilk bar when i read your post! Just bit into the center as I got to the good part of your story. :yuck:

    I'm so sure you let her kiss you after that buffet too!

    No harm done, No need to take her to the vet either. Some dogs do that daily! Just be Thankful that Molly only did it once.............So far!

  5. #5
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    Arg, my two would rather eat poop than a full on Thanksgiving dinner. Under the fingernails... go immediatly to get a manicure!!!!!!
    Karen - Proud Hoomom to Bella "Snooter" Boo & The Professor Buster Brown

  6. #6
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    Rueben's a pooper scooper too! Makes me sick! He ate cat poop the other morning. We were going on our usual "bye-bye" to take the kids to school. A cat had been wandering the driveway. He ran out, smelled the cat, started sniffing around, and found some poop. YUM he said and started chomping! That ended the "bye-bye" trip for him.

    My vet said some dogs just do that. For some it is an instinctual thing - back in their wild days, they would eat the puppy poop to keep predators from smelling the babies.

    Whatever the reason - it's just downright disgusting and gross! - Glitter Graphics

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  7. #7
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    No need for a vet visit. Yes, it is disgusting to us :vomit: but such a treat for them.
    They may be small, but you should see their hearts. Shelter/Rescue dogs aren't broken. They've simply experienced more life than other dogs. If they were human we would call them wise. They would be the ones with tales to tell and stories to write. The ones dealt a bad hand who responded with courage. Do not pity a shelter/rescue dog. Adopt one. And be proud to have their greatness on your side. Anon (click daily to give free care and food)

  8. #8
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    Default Disgusting

    And I'm ashamed and humiliated to say that I, too, have a poop eatin' dawg. Dolly is convinced that Madison is a pez er poop dispenser. I've seen her literally stand behind the Madderoo waiting for the (ugh) tasty turd to drop. Dolly was going to P.E.A. meetings but has since fallen off the wagon and now declares herself a member in good standing of P.E.U. Poop Eaters Unite. NO KISSES FROM DOLLY! :P
    Git a looooong little doggy!

  9. #9
    Nancy Guest


    Trust me, Molly has NOT given me any kisses in the last 24 hours! I kiss her little head and belly and that's it!

  10. #10
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    I have to admit my dogs are occassional poop eaters too. Not dog poop but most other kinds. And we have a veritable poop smorgasbord going on at our house (we live in the country) Rabbit (a particular favorite), raccoon, possum, goose, fox, name the poo, we have it. I always felt so lucky that Laika didn't bother with the pig's poop (we have a pet pig, Scouty) but with Owen we weren't so lucky. One day he's scratching at the door to get in so I let him in and notice he has something quite large in his mouth. Yes, it's a big pig turd he just thought he'd bring in with him to snack on. Prob. wanted to eat it on the couch, too, I'm sure... Or better yet, my bed.:eek:

    Amy, Laika, and Owen

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