Since Duchie has been off the prednisone (bad for liver/kidneys) and on rimadyl, she has been doing some better, which lead us to believe her problem is primarily arthritis with a side order of IVDD, not the other way around.

SO she was on 1/2 a 25 mg pill 2x a day and was getting around *some* better. I increased her to a full 25 mg pill 2x a day and she is bouncing back... (thanks for the Wonderdoggie Pep-talk, Alex. I miss you already.)

Long term use in that dosage seems to be fine from the studies Dr Chuck has found, and she is friggin 14. If she can get up, walk around without pain and not fall over when she poops, and if that cuts come time off her life but gives her QUALITY of life, well then OK.

So all is good, and for more breaking news on HRH Duchie Wagoner, check out The Hot Dog, 'cause we went to the Sonic afterward